Everything You Need to Know About Dark Circles Under Eyes

Dark circles are a common concern for women. It is one of the first things we notice about people, especially around the eyes. Dark circles treatment under the eyes can have several causes. The skin under your eyes is the thinnest on your entire body and is susceptible to a whole host of issues, from imbalanced hormones to low iron levels and even dehydration. Here we discuss exactly what causes darker skin under your eyes so you can take action to correct it.
Dark Circles: What Causes Them and How to Deal
Periorbital hyperpigmentation, or dark circles, is a very common condition that can cause a lot of issues for self-esteem and the way your skin appears. And although some people may want to just blame the condition on genetics, that is not always the case. There are many reasons for the cause of dark circles and it’s important to be familiar with them before you decide what solution will work best for you.
How to Care for Delicate Under Eye Skin
The delicate skin under your eyes is among the first on your body to show signs of aging. It is incredibly thin, not only because you use it less than the rest of your face, but also because it lacks an oil gland, which means there is less sebum to keep it supple. When applied topically, oils help seal in moisture and retain that youthful hydration that most people take for granted in their youth. As we age, our ability to create natural oils is compromised and this leads to dryness and other risk factors for wrinkles and sagging skin.
6 Dark Circles Solutions Dermatologists Swear By
Dark circles under your eyes can make you look tired, fatigued, and stressed. Women are especially prone to dark circles, as hormones play a role in their formation. But there’s no need to worry, as several dermatologists have had great success erasing them. They use the same methods, from home remedies to high-tech devices and everything in between.
The Best Eye Creams for Your Under-Eye Concerns
If you’re wondering where eye creams differ from your regular moisturizer, we’ll explain. While a regular moisturizer hydrates and softens your skin, an eye cream is made to target specific concerns that dryness, puffiness, and dark circles have on the delicate skin around your eyes. That means they come in thicker textures with strength-boosting ingredients such as peptides to keep this sensitive area sufficiently hydrated throughout the day.
Top Vitamins for Preventing Under-Eye Circles
Dark circles, puffiness, and dryness are the hallmarks of tired looking eyes. While concealer is your best bet for camouflaging their appearance, some topical vitamin treatments, a regular moisturizing routine, and a healthy lifestyle may help keep fatigued, hyperpigmentation, and dry skin around the eyes at bay. Here are the top nutrients your skin needs to brighten your eye area.
Tips and Techniques to Reduce Dark Circles
Dark under-eye circles are a common facial condition that many want to get rid of because it makes their eyes appear tired and old. Aside from brightening eye creams, there are other things you can do to diminish those pesky dark under-eye circles. From applying sunscreen regularly to removing your eye makeup properly, here are some tips on how to help your eye creams brighten your eyes.
8 Daily Beauty Habits That Are Aging Your Eyes
Sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day for a good night’s sleep. Add genetics, gravity, stress, and years of squinting and smiling, and what you get are crow’s feet, dark circles, and under-eye puffiness—factors that instantly add years to your appearance. But these aren’t the only things that are aging your eyes; some of our everyday beauty habits are also partly to blame.