Ready to Heal? 8 Questions to Ask a Holistic Healer
Ask these Questions from Holistic Healer

A holistic healer is a person who believes healing and wellness come from natural medicine and treatments. They focus on treating and managing your whole health, not just a single ailment, and they look at the whole body instead of parts. This article serves as a guide for those who may not be familiar with what to look for in a holistic healer and will aid in helping them make the correct decision for their needs.
What Kind of Client Do You Normally See?
A good holistic healer will be able to explain what kinds of people they work with, and what common issues they experience. If you have a specific condition or symptoms, ask if the healer has experience helping people with them. For example, if you have chronic pain and want to explore alternative treatments, ask if the healer has experience treating that issue.
If you want a holistic healer who works with clients who are dealing with depression and anxiety, for example, ask about their typical client. That way, you can be sure that they’re going to be able to help you.
What Training & Education Do you Have?
A good healer will have a background in psychology, nutrition, or other relevant fields. They should be able to tell you what courses they took and where they got their training.
Do You Offer Preventative Care?
Some people only ask for help once they feel like they’re at rock bottom — but there’s no reason why a healer can’t give advice or support before that point as well. If a healer doesn’t offer any preventative care services, it’s probably not the right one for you.
How Long Have You Been Practicing?
It’s good to know how long someone has been doing what they do — especially when it comes to healing work like this, which requires so much practice over time to really master. The longer someone has been practicing in this field, the better your chances are that they’ll be able to help you out in the long run.
What Training Have You Had?
When you’re ready to heal, it’s important to find a healer who has the right training and experience. You should be able to trust your healer, but that doesn’t mean they need to be an MD or licensed therapist. It just means they should have some sort of formal training in their field of practice.
The best way to find a holistic healer is through personal recommendations. If you don’t know any, ask your family doctor for a recommendation. The next step is to schedule an appointment and take a look at their website. What kind of training do they have? Are they certified in any specific modalities? If they’re not certified in anything, then you should probably keep looking.
The amount of training that a healer has can vary widely. Some people have no formal training and are just doing what they feel is right, while others have completed years of schooling and certification programs. If you’re looking for someone to help with an acute issue, it’s probably less important than if you’re looking for long-term treatment or healing. For example, if you’re having a heart attack, you’re probably not going to care much about whether your doctor went to medical school or took a weekend course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). However, if you’re looking for someone to help you deal with chronic pain, it might be important for them to have taken courses on how the body works and why certain treatments work better than others.
Is The Process Open-Ended, Or Do You Have a Set Number of Sessions in Mind?
The answer to this question will help you determine whether or not this person is someone who will stay committed to helping you heal over time. If they have no idea how long it will take them to help you reach your goals, they might not be able to provide you with enough support during that time period.
How Should I Prepare for the First Session?
Your healer will probably ask that you not eat or drink anything after midnight before your appointment time. This allows him or her time to “clear” your energy before beginning treatment — an important step in preparing your body for healing work. You may also be asked not to wear perfumes or scented lotions during the session, because they can interfere with energy work by blocking its flow between client and practitioner.
Make sure you have all of your questions answered before the session begins. You don’t want anything to distract you — especially if you’re nervous!
Can My Health Insurance Pay for Any Part of This Process?
The answer may vary depending on the practitioner and their relationship with your insurance company, says Maria Rael, owner of Sacred Healing Center in Los Angeles. Because many holistic practitioners don’t have contracts with insurance companies, you might have to pay out of pocket for services. However, if your doctor has referred you to a particular practitioner who accepts your insurance plan, then it may be covered under your policy — just check with them first.
If you have health insurance, it’s possible that a portion of your holistic healing near me practitioner’s bill will be covered by your plan. However, not all plans cover alternative modalities like acupuncture or massage therapy. You can ask your practitioner if they accept private insurance and if they do, what the process is for submitting claims to the insurance company.
Ask These Questions Before Working with A Holistic Healer
The holistic community has an impressive track record of treating a variety of illnesses and diseases, with quantum ascension, so there’s no shame in seeking out this kind of help. But if you’re going to work with a holistic healer, it’s important to be clear about what you want and what you expect. By posing the right questions to your potential healer, you can gain a better understanding of their approach. And if you’re not getting what you want from them, at least you’ll know now—not after they’ve made some progress with your health issues.