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How To Improve Speed & Reduce Negative Marking for NEET / JEE?

Accuracy and speed have a very complicated relationship. They may be the most important things to remember when taking a tough exam, like NEET / JEE Main or Advanced. If you don’t go at the necessary rate, your chance will be taken away from you and you’ll be left regretting that you didn’t try an easy question. On the other hand, accuracy might make you feel guilty in a very subtle way.

After leaving the room or, in certain cases, after the results are announced, you will realise your error. But accuracy and speed just do not get along. Speed is all about minimising the amount of time because precision needs time. So let me be clear: managing both of them at once is difficult. In fact, it’s one of the most difficult professions. However, it may not be as difficult as passing a test with a 2% acceptance rate and 12 lakh applicants.

How to improve speed and accuracy in NEET/ JEE Exams?

Students who take the NEET, IIT-JEE exams experience a lot of uncertainty and anxiety. They are always looking for programmes and methods that will work every time so they can get the desired result. In this essay, we’ll discuss a few strategies for increasing NEET/ JEE speed and accuracy as well as lowering negative scores.

Be sure to adhere to your test strategy

Establish a test strategy and adhere to it throughout mock exams and JEE/NEET exams. By carefully reading the entire question paper, you can avoid sitting around aimlessly. It’s okay to take a brief peek. Start answering questions in the segment you have decided to try first. Study Material for NEET

Managing your time effectively

Time management is essential for both learning new material or reviewing material for a test. When executed properly, it truly is an art. You must create a concise plan for how you will approach each issue throughout revision. You must follow your own routine. It is not an option to put something off. Your brain will begin to function more quickly when you have a deadline for finishing a topic. Nothing will be able to divert you during that period since your subconscious mind will be trained to react to the urgency.

You need to adopt a similar strategy throughout the exam, but be less assertive. Precision is important as this is not cerebral exercise. Your approach should be well-thought-out but circumspect. Start with the simpler issues and progress to the more challenging ones. Speed shouldn’t be a problem for you if you exercised time management during your mock exams and revisions, and the extra caution would take care of the accuracy.

It is essential to read the questions carefully

To understand what is being requested of you and what is being provided, carefully read the questions. Add up the options clearly before beginning to answer the question. Give questions with several correct answers and incredibly careful thought.

Problem-solving Through Cognitive Thinking

As you revise, steadily increase the difficulty of the questions, and strive to use less paper and pen. You might have difficulties at first, and the solutions might not be precise, but as you go on, you’ll notice a gain in speed and precision.

Soon enough, you’ll feel secure enough to swiftly solve problems by skipping stages and performing quick calculations in your head. However, avoid becoming overconfident. Always exercise extreme caution when taking an exam.

Decide fast whether you can answer the question or not 

It’s important to use good judgement when working on the paper. Push on and address it if you are confident that you can respond. If you are unsure of how to answer a question, skip it. Try to avoid letting that query consume all of your time. With practise, this decisiveness gets stronger. Keep administering tests.

Having a creative outlook makes a difference

You have the freedom to use your creativity while addressing an issue because nobody will check to see if you followed the standard step-by-step approach. Always look for a more efficient and effective manner to answer a topic during review sessions and practise exams. Many trustworthy shortcuts that you were never educated about will be shown to you. As you continue to think creatively, your rate of problem-solving will grow.

The crucial point is that you shouldn’t attempt this unless absolutely required during the exam. Follow the strategies of which you are absolutely certain. Don’t try to deliberately speed up your brain’s processing speed during the exam; it has already been trained to do so.

Make use of intelligent guessing whenever necessary

When you are uncertain about a certain question but also certain of the answer, there are instances when conjecture is all you can rely on. It can’t just be a guess at random. Instead, you must give it some thought and choose the solution you believe to be correct.

Knowledge Is Important But Smartness Is More Important

In order to solve the problems, you must be intelligent. Innovative approaches are strongly encouraged. Prior to starting, learn some calculations. Learn a few derivatives, integrations, square roots, and cube roots. Skim the shortcut procedures, remember the 20-digit multiplication table, and use the elimination approach as needed. Although these methods may not be ideal for learning, they will be very beneficial in the JEE. So, put these to practise while you’re reviewing, and only use them when they’re your best possibilities.

Don’t let yourself get stuck

Never, and I mean never during the exam, become stuck on any single problem. Making a time management plan at the beginning will give you an idea of how much time you can devote to each issue. So follow the plan and refrain from being bogged down by a particularly challenging issue. Move on, deal with the other issues, and if you have time for a modification later, return to it.

Here’s what you need to know about practice

Don’t skip the next sentence, even though you are sick of hearing people tell you to “practise, practise, and practise.” But believe me when I say that you need this reminder because practising problems based on the same concepts for two years is a really unpleasant task. Consider for a moment how much your problem-solving speed has advanced from the first day you began JEE preparation. Despite how dull this piece of advice may sound, it consistently turns out to be the most crucial.

Prepare by taking timed practise exams, and strive to finish each one more quickly than the last. Be careful with time management if you are taking offline practise exams and intend to take the online JEE exam. In fact, the shading process takes a lot of time. Avoid making careless mistakes. If you notice a trend in the mistakes you are making, try to identify it and fix it.

Checking twice is something we all dread

After answering the 90 questions, you won’t be too excited about the prospect of poring over all of the questions and rough draughts again to look for any obvious errors that you’re positive you didn’t make. But getting accuracy requires double checking everything. The answer choices in MCQs are frequently deceptive and difficult to distinguish from one another. Organize your preliminary work to make the process less frustrating. You’ll be grateful you saved at least 8 to 12 marks because they’ll have a big impact on your ranking.

Important 5 tips to avoid negative marks in NEET/JEE 

An overconfident attitude

Making sure during the assessment is a fantastic idea. Confidence and overconfidence do, however, differ slightly. Students commonly respond to questions by checking the box without fully reading them. For the duration of the NEET and IIT JEE exams, this must be avoided.

Feelings of excitement

Many contestants enter their first NEET or IIT-JEE exam. They make errors as a result of their energy. You must carefully examine questions in NEET and IIT-JEE as well as the four choices before selecting the correct answer. Regardless of whether you choose the correct response from the first option, carefully consider all other possibilities.

A greedy attitude

Maintaining greed is one of the crucial suggestions to prevent receiving bad grades in JEE/ NEET. The majority of candidates make mistakes due to greed. They believe that getting the appropriate response will earn them 4 points. They frequently answer many questions without actually understanding the correct response as a result.

Experimenting with luck

While taking the test, some applicants try their luck. Without even reading the question paper or knowing the right answer, they carelessly check off irregular answers. These students frequently receive grades of -10, -26, -35, and so on.

Filling out the OMR sheet incorrectly

Preventing incorrect OMR sheet filing is one of the five strategies to avoid failing the JEE Main. You must circle the appropriate response in an OMR sheet to enter your response in the NEET and IIT-JEE exams. Many students make mistakes when filling out the OMR form.


Your ability to make decisions and solve problems will be tested more than anything else in entrance tests like IIT-JEE / NEET. You must therefore understand how to improve your speed and accuracy in the NEET / JEE as well as how to reduce low scores. To ace the exam like a pro, stick to the advice given above.

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