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How to develop a Solana NFT marketplace development?

Solana is a robust blockchain network that facilitates the development of dApps, NFTs and smart
contracts in an open and decentralized ecosystem. Although the network was launched in 2020 it
soon became an important substitute for Etherium due to its incredibly low transaction fees and
high bandwidth. Although developers like to build all kinds of projects on Solana, it is one of the most
preferred platforms for NFT marketplace development. And that is why there is a Solana NFT
marketplace development company cropping up almost everywhere across the globe.

If you too want to learn how to build an NFT marketplace on Solana, then follow the following tips:

Choose your niche carefully:
The first thing that you need to do is define your niche. So, it is important to figure out whether you
want to build a general NFT marketplace or a specialized NFT marketplace. General NFT marketplaces
deal in different types of NFTs, such as those related to music, video games, collectibles, sports and art.

These marketplaces attract diverse audiences as they are heterogeneous in nature. Although generalpurpose NFT marketplaces are a great idea, you might have to compete with existing NFT marketplace giants like Mintable and OpenSea after developing one. With a specialized NFT platform, you will be able to
target a niche platform such as art. This is a better option for beginners as it is highly targeted and
faces competition from less number of companies.

If you don’t know what the niches are for which you can approach a Solana NFT marketplace
development company, then here are some popular domains to pick from: event tickets, collectibles, real estate, video games, art, science and music.

Select a reliable Solana NFT marketplace development company:
Once you have identified your niche, the next step involves looking for and hiring a good Solana NFT
marketplace development company to get your development done. Make sure that your selected
company has deep knowledge in blockchain technology, NFTs, the metaverse and related

When you select a development company, it is important to check their expertise and experience. The reason why both expertise and experience are important is because these qualities cannot be earned overnight. A software development company that is experienced is likely to understand the requirements of its clients better than a new entrant in the market. On the other hand, an expert development company will do its job up to your expectations regardless of its experience. So, it is always better to go for a company that has both of these qualities.

Zero in on a monetization model:
The next step in the process of NFT marketplace development is choosing a monetization model for
your project. Now, what is a monetization model? A monetization model for your business is
nothing but the method you will use to make money. There are numerous monetization models and
some of the most popular monetization models include listing fee model, lead reward model,
premium monetization model and fee monetization model. Now, let’s discuss these one by one.

In the listing fee model, the platform charges for every NFT listed on it. If you want to adopt the
lead reward model, then you can go ahead without apprehensions because it is a profitable model
that earns from NFT suppliers paying fees for the visitors they receive at their shops. In the freemium
monetization model, both free and paid services are provided. Essentially anyone can use the
platform but there is a limit to free usage. For example, a platform might make only 5 deals
available for free per month, charging a fee for the rest. The subscription monetization model can be adopted when there is a high volume of traffic on the platform. This model earns by charging users service fees in regular intervals, like once a month or once a year. And then lastly, the fee monetization
model involves charging a small fee somewhere around 2-15% from those that use the platform

Specify what functionalities you want your nft marketplace to have:
Although most NFT marketplaces have identical functionalities, it is important to specify to your
developer what exactly you want included in your NFT marketplace. For starters, you can
have a showcase page which is like a display area for the best NFTs available on your platform. All the
NFTs appear here with details like their price, description, owner and preferred payment method.

Another functionality could be wallet integration. Minting NFT assets, listing items, NFT royalty notifications, auction system, ratings and feedback, search filters, smart search function and
support can be some other useful functionalities in your NFT marketplace.

Have a solid user interface:
No matter how much work you have done at the backend, you can’t have a constantly growing volume of traffic without a good user interface.

Smart contract development:
Your smart contracts will include instructions on how your NFT marketplace will interact with the
Solana blockchain. You will need smart contracts for minting NFTs and also purchasing and selling
them on the platform. The languages used for Solana smart contract development are Rust, C and C++.

Test the marketplace:
This is a crucial step and helps developers identify problems in the product and fix them. One of the
main areas of focus in the testing phase is smart contracts. Your developers must make sure that your marketplace’s smart contracts are secure and running optimally.

Launch your Solana NFT marketplace:
Once the testing of the product is over, it’s time for you to launch your marketplace on the cloud
server. However, launching it does not end the process. The marketplace needs to be constantly
maintained and updated for optimal functioning.

For a good Solana NFT marketplace, you need a good Solana NFT marketplace development company.
You can look for a company operating in diverse areas if you also want Solana wallet development
services. And the best way to learn about the efficacy and reputation of a company is 2 browse through its official website and other review and rating platforms where it is listed.

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