How does Education Influence Our Personality?
“Education is the movement from darkness to light.” Allan Bloom

This above-mentioned quotation can be taken generally as well as in the light of its literal sense. A man was living in darkness in the most inhumane manner, there were no rules and justice but with the advent of education, things started to reform. Man went from an animal to a civilized being because of education. This post is dedicated the way education influences a man’s personality and ultimately grows society in a positive way.
What is education?
Education is the process of gaining knowledge. Only a clear and perfect system of educational interaction and a holistic systematic approach will ensure the effectiveness of spiritual and moral education (Avlaev, 2021). This education can be a systematic one that students learn from educational institutes or it can be something enlightening that adds to your knowledge.
- The former kind of education is the one that gives you a specific status in society. Students give their best to achieve the degrees in this systematic education system for their organized present and better future. They take Assignment Writing Service from online platforms and attend lectures to gain good grades. Every academic institution, be it high school or university, has different means of evaluating the student’s skill (bestassignmentwriter, 2022).
- Later is the form of education that no institute teaches you but your life educates you these lessons. They can be sometimes learned through failures and sometimes from your elders who have experienced different ups and downs in their lives.
Education and its influence on our personality
Students often try to run from their classes and writing projects that are assigned to them thinking that it is a burden on them. While doing so they Pay Someone To Do An Assignment on their behalf and sometimes hire someone to take their class as well. These forms of academic assistance are okay in case students have no other option but if they do then try to do it yourself because every step in this process of getting an education is important. Following are aspects that prove the influence of education on a personality:
1. Makes you acknowledge:
Without being educated, a man won’t have the knowledge to take part in different conversations. In the company of educated people, he will feel like a dumb person. It is the education that lets a person indulge in productive and useful conversations that adds to the knowledge of others as well.
“The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.” John F.Kennedy
2. Provides a safer future:
It is the education that promises a better and safer future for a person. It provides a person with a lot of opportunities to choose from. It secures the future by proving an individual with a lot of options and provides a particular status in society in terms of occupation.
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Malcolm X
3. Boosts confidence:
It is the education that imparts confidence in a person. An educated person has more confidence in his conversations and his body language than an uneducated one. An educated person knows that what he is speaking is coming from analytical thinking. He can be wrong at the time but he will be willing to accept his mistakes rather than defend them.
“Education breeds confidence, confidence breeds hope, hope breeds peace.” Confucius
4. Imparts decision-making capability:
It is the education that teaches a person to think critically and logically in different situations. An educated mind will critically analyze the situation and then will conclude the results accordingly, he won’t act without thinking. The decisions can be wrong but he will be at peace because he tried to make a conscious decision, rest depends upon fate.
“Education is not the learning of the facts but the training of the mind to think.” Albert Einstein
5. Teaches ethics:
It is the education that teaches a person to behave ethically. You won’t see an uneducated person accepting his mistake, thanking the next person for his favors, and greeting others with polite gestures. These and other such ethical attributes are taught to the person through education.
“It is the thought of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Aristotle
6. Improves memory:
The more you learn the more your memory develops. Researches show that people who have studied a higher level of education have more developed cognitive skills. They have improved mental abilities including learning, thinking, memorizing, etc.
Education and its influence on society:
Education is much more than achieving a higher state of knowledge. It directly influences personality and society. It is an obvious fact that as education influences the personality of an individual so it ultimately influences society as well. Following are some of the instances of how society is influenced by education.
1. Better citizens:
As education makes people better citizens it automatically benefits society. The better citizens are more responsible for their duties, they pay their taxes, follow the laws, and fulfill all the duties of good citizens. Hence, contributing to the success of a country.
2. Improved economy:
As the more people will get educated, more jobs will be given to the people according to their qualifications which will contribute to building the economy of the country. An improved economy will make the country progressive and successful.
3. Removes the misconceptions:
The ages of old misconceptions that have been passed down from one generation to others are removed by educating the people. It is the education that bridges the gap and removes the misconceptions regarding different religions, cultures, and countries.
Education plays a significant role in building a man’s personality and ultimately society. It is the education influence that has transformed the barbarous man into a civilized one. Hopefully; the above-mentioned post will help people in understanding the importance of education.
Avlaev, M. V. (2021). THE INFLUENCE OF EDUCATIONAL FACTORS ON THE FORMATION OF PERSONALITY. Herald pedagogiki. Nauka i Praktyka , 1.
bestassignmentwriter. (2022, Jan 26th). Why Students Assigned Academic Assignment Frequently? .