How and Why Do Plants Get Their Color?

Ever wonder why plants have colors? Why do they have different colors? How do they change their color in the fall? This fascinating topic is partly because it’s not as easy as you think. The beautiful colors that we see in flowers or leaves are due to pigments. However, many factors can make indoor and outdoor plants colorful and produce colorful flowers and leaves. Let’s look at why plants are colored and how humans have used plant colors in various creative ways.
Understanding Pigments
Pigments are molecules that selectively absorb specific wavelengths of visible sunlight and reflect others. The pigment-rich cells of plants are found in different layers of their epidermis (or outermost layer). Therefore, color can be affected by the thickness of the cell layers and the type of pigment. These pigments are standard in plants:
- Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll makes leaves look green. You can find it in the chloroplasts and cells of plants. It helps with photosynthesis, which is the conversion of light into energy. Chlorophyll absorbs the red and blue wavelengths and reflects the green wavelengths.
- Carotenoids. Carotenoids, another type of plant pigment, are also found. These pigments can be yellow, orange, or red and are responsible for the fall colors of leaves. You can find carotenoids in plant cells’ chromoplasts. They absorb light in the blue and green wavelengths and reflect it to yellow, orange, or red wavelengths.
- Anthocyanins. Anthocyanins, water-soluble pigments, give flowers their red, blue, and purple colors. They can absorb all wavelengths except blue and are found in plant cells’ vacuoles.
- Betalains. Betalains and pigments give beets and other vegetables their yellow or red color. They can absorb all wavelengths except yellow and red light, which they reflect.
Why Do Plants Have Different Colors?
Why do plants have so many different colors? Plants have different colors due to the different levels and locations of pigments within their cells. You can see the visible displays of other stains when flowers bloom and plants change their colors in autumn. The stronger a particular colorant is, the stronger the plant’s color will be. For example, plants with high levels of anthocyanin can appear purple or red due to their abundance. Some plants can change their colors due to changes in the seasons. You now know why plants change colors in fall if you have ever wondered this!
How Humans Have Used Plant Colors
Plants have created dyes, herbs, medicines, and aesthetics for centuries. They made some of the earliest dyes from plants! You can also use plant colors for other purposes:
- Dyes. People have been using plants as colors to dye fabric, leather, or hair. You can also get food coloring from plants. This source is often healthier than other types.
- Herbal Medicines. Since ancient times, herbal medicine has been made from plants. You can treat many ailments with active ingredients found in plants. For example, people use the willow tree’s bark to relieve pain and inflammation. They also use eucalyptus tree leaves to treat respiratory infections and colds. Additionally, people use the flowers of chamomile for anxiety and insomnia.
- Aesthetics. The ancient Egyptians used plant colors to make makeup and medicine. Historically, people have used plants to color buildings, paint, and stained glass.
You better understand how and why plants are colored, so you can use them to bring color into your home and life. Landscaping specialists, such as landscaping in bourne MA, can help if your garden or yard needs more color. Their experts can help you choose the perfect combination of flowers and plants to brighten your landscaping. In addition, they can also help you select colorful shade plants to add color to any area of your property.