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Four main functions that security doors must correspond to

Like any other product, doors are divided among themselves according to the specifics of use. Like this? For example, a fur coat is needed to keep warm in winter, a windbreaker – so as not to catch a cold in hot windy weather, etc.

The situation with doors is similar. There are lightweight structures that are designed for installation in non-responsible protected premises. Protective bank doors (heavy and uncomfortable) – it is not rational to put them in an apartment. There are even security doors that are suitable for installation in office premises.

Aren’t doors supposed to protect? – you ask. At the door, there are four main functions that it must correspond to.

So what provides the doors with protective properties?

You are installing a metal door, not plastic or glass. It is due to the fact that the metal is stronger than the two previous materials. But as practice has shown, such a door can also be protected in different ways. For example, Chinese doors – only from flies and from five-year-old children. There are security doors that are recommended for installation in especially critical premises and are able to withstand the onslaught of a professional for many hours.

The thickness of the outer sheet of the canvas. Many here argue that the thicker it is, the better. We insist on a slightly different wording – a thickness of more than 3 mm is not needed.
Less than 1.5 mm is not enough, stiffness is seriously affected. In this case, the leaf requires significant reinforcements in many areas to maintain the status of a “protective” door.

  • 1.5 mm is quite acceptable.
  • 3 mm is good.
  • More than three millimeters is useless, harm.

A large thickness will add slight rigidity and will practically not change the main protective characteristics of the door, but the weight and its inertia will increase significantly, which will lead to a decrease in quality characteristics and service life.

Insulation of doors

Yes, a modern door is able to qualitatively resist not only crooks, but also cold, wind and smell. When doors were just appearing in our country, it was common to use an old wooden door as an internal one – “insulating”, while an iron one acted as a protective one.

But today the situation has changed and a modern door in splendid isolation is able to qualitatively withstand external aggressive environments.
Isolation is achieved by several factors:

a) High-quality rubber seal around the perimeter. Now on the door market you can find samples even with three (!!!) contours of rubber seals. The need for such a quantity is explained by the “super” insulating properties of a particular sample or model. In fact, such an amount of rubber is nothing more than a marketing ploy.

b) Filling the voids of the door leaf and, if necessary, the door frame with insulating materials. Here, as a rule, mineral wool uses – an inexpensive non-combustible material that perfectly copes with the task.

c) An important point in the insulation of the door is its installation. If the mounting seam is too large and poorly filled, sound and smell will go through the perimeter next to the box, and not through the door. High-quality door installation is a guarantee of good insulating properties.

The appearance of the door

And often, it is the appearance of the door that plays a decisive role in the choice. Naturally, a “beautiful wrapper” can hide, and often hides low-quality products that do not meet the most important functions.

Nevertheless, if you are not buying a fixed cheap thing with a limited set of features, but choosing a custom-made door, the vast majority of manufacturing companies have a huge choice of decorative finishes. It will not be difficult for you to choose something that will not only please the eyes, but will also fit into the interior of your home.

A point of sale and on-site consultations

When choosing and ordering a door, pay special attention to visiting a point of sale and on-site consultations. Feel free to ask questions to a company representative. Ask to perform a preliminary calculation, tell about the benefits, during this time you will have the opportunity to evaluate the consultant’s potential.

The technical knowledge of the seller, his ability to communicate with a potential customer, find answers to objections, will tell not only about the qualities of a particular person in front of you. This is an indicator that the manufacturer is responsible for sales in particular, and most likely for its product in general.

The lack of knowledge of the consultant about the technical components of the object of sale, the memorized phrases of advertising catalogs, often the ignorance of the elementary components of the door, indicate an irresponsible approach to the entire cycle of the sale of goods: from production to sale.
door service

All in all

The door is a complex composite product. It is clear that someday you will need to repair it. At the same time, no one will ever be able to exclude the possibility of a defective component, the replacement of which, as a rule, requires urgency. It is quite obvious that the manufacturer should deal with the replacement and repair.

Therefore, when choosing a door, study the warranty periods of the company, ask about the servicemen who will continue to service your door and on what conditions this service will be provided.

Source: secure-house.co.uk

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