Top 30 services for digital teams and marketers in 2022

TheTechLabs team of like-minded people is assembled, you are all full of strength and ambition and are ready to conquer the harsh world of business and marketing hand in hand. However, the most difficult thing is not to bring the team together, but to establish and automate their work. More than one talented leader has stumbled over this problem, but if everyone is given the right portfolio of tools, then the problem of low efficiency can be dealt with in a jiffy.
We have selected useful tools for online marketing that we use ourselves and divided them into blocks according to the specifics of the activities of a standard digital team. Although, here is a starter pack of must-have tools to improve the efficiency of a digital team or a marketing team.
Role Of Project Manager In A Digital Marketing Agency:
The field of his activity is connected not only with client interactions but also in controlling the activities of the rest of the team. Furthermore, you need to be aware of intermediate results, ensure the continuity of all processes, and manage interactions both within the team and outside.
1. CoSchedule
team time optimizer. The thematic plan will help you plan relevant tasks and distribute them among performers, automate team workflows, and track team progress in real-time.
2. IBM Watson Marketing
Platform for marketers that includes automation of all work processes, social networks, and email. The service allows you to communicate with a potential client of your company on a variety of platforms.
3. Google Trends
A trend analytics service that will help you keep your finger on the pulse and always be aware of popular key queries at the moment. Using the service, a marketer will be able to determine the relevance and value of the team’s ideas based on detailed analytics in a given geo-segment.
4. Prezly
A convenient online service with CRM functionality for managing relationships between PR agencies and brands. The service allows you to organize your contact list, manage the media database for publications and distribute press releases in minutes.
5. Zoom
– Service for collective online video conferencing in high quality.Therefore Accessible for both desktop and mobile devices.
Content Strategist Role In A Digital Agency
This character generates new content ideas and controls existing content. Content helps you reach new audiences and build brand loyalty, so equip your expert with the right tools.
6. Content Insight
. Content WRX Audit in Content Insight – the service will help you analyze existing content by several metrics to understand how people react to your product and extend the life of the client through productive interaction with him through publications. Thanks to this service, you can save a lot of time on analytics of the productivity and relevance of your content.
7. Curata
Software on a self-learning engine for content curation. It will help you find the most relevant ideas and solutions for your publications.
8. Snappa
simple graphic designer that has a database of 500,000 free stock images to edit. And also a lot of templates and tools that will help you create graphics for social networks, advertising, or blogs of any complexity. Also, the tool will help you automatically adjust the size of the image to the format of a particular social network in a couple of clicks.
9. Grammarly
is an artificial intelligence-based tool that will help any copywriter avoid making graphic and punctuation mistakes in the text. This service catches 15 times more errors than competitors and can learn in real-time.
10. Piktochart
is a tool for creating infographics, reports, and presentations. It has a user-friendly interface and an impressive number of templates divided into topics. Will help the content maker Easily create attractive and professional content in any format.
SMM manager
The second most important person in the content marketing department who is directly involved in publishing content and measuring its performance, looking for influencers to advertise the product and attracting new followers on social networks.
11. Buffer
is easy-to-use post automation and content plan analytics platform. By connecting all your accounts to Buffer, you can create a convenient posting schedule for a given period, analyze engagement metrics and provide transparent reports to management.
12. Mailshake
is a convenient service for working with influencers, which allows you to build and systematize relationships with various bloggers to advertise your product, and also allows you to view detailed statistics of the influencer audience.
13. BuzzSumo
with this service you can visually see what content works best in your account and compare it with competitors’ accounts on several metrics.
14. Pixlr
is a powerful free application that will help you edit graphics on your mobile device. With Pixlr, you can create beautiful and detailed collages for your content, as well as edit images by applying different filters or adding new dynamic details and text.
15. Hootsuite
is an application that will help you save a lot of time by scheduling posts on all social networks in just a few clicks. Hootsuite supports teamwork with social media accounts and even sends analytics reports to track the success of your social media posts.
Data analyst
All teamwork will cease to be of minimal value without high-quality statistics of its productivity about actual goals. The data analyst observes the efforts of the team and evaluates their effect on the company, solving several technical problems and issues of process automation. He is indispensable support on the way to the formation of the team and he needs high-quality tools.
16. Landing Page Grader
this tool will allow you to simply enter the name of any site, and understand how well it performs its tasks on several metrics.
17. Optimizely
the service will help track all conversions from your site and analyze the results of advertising campaigns. Also, with the help of Optimize, you can easily and quickly conduct A / B testing of the product.
18. Kissmetrics
links the actions of site visitors to your company profile, which allows you to visually analyze the behavior of the audience on the site and the checkout page.
19. Simply Measured
a global service for analytics and monitoring of the activity of advertising manipulations in social networks. It allows you to measure in detail the productivity of action by various metrics and compile comprehensive technical reports.
20. Outreach
A tool that will help you analyze in detail the level of audience involvement in the content. Outreach is equipped with a large number of metrics and powerful analytics, and its interface is intuitive.
SEO Specialist
A specialist who is engaged in the promotion of your site directly in the issuance of search engines. It is responsible for attracting traffic from search engines, balancing between search engine ranking algorithms and the happiness of site visitors. Among the main functions of a specialist: collecting and grouping search queries, optimizing pages for groups of queries, setting up site indexing, analyzing competitor sites, and setting tasks to refine the content and functionality of the site. It will not be a surprise for anyone to see the following tools in the arsenal of an SEO specialist:
21. Google Search Console
the most powerful and at the same time free service for analyzing the health of your site in the context of search marketing. With the help of the service, you can determine the problems of indexing URLs and the click-through rate.
22. SEOquake
is a completely free browser extension with impressive features. The extension allows you to compare different domains and URLs, perform detailed SEO checks and explore internal links in real-time.
23. Google Keyword Planner
Convenient and free keyword planner from Google. It will help you easily select and segment queries with high traffic and minimal competition.
24. MozBar
A browser extension that adds an entire toolbar to automate search engine research. Furthermore, it show the authority of a domain or page, and also helps to find and highlight all the keywords.
25. Yandex. Metrica
using this free tool, you can monitor the interactions of the audience with your project. It includes heat maps and even a user session playback feature. Yandex Metrica is the strongest analytics tool in the Russian Federation.
26. AdRoll
Retargeting is the strongest weapon in marketing, which helps to keep the attention of the lead on a particular offer and fuel interest in it if he does not purchase the first touch. Adroll will help you find the right audience segment and build long-term relationships with it.
27. AppMachine
a service for creating mobile applications that will help expand the reach of your activities and offer several interesting know-how in already established processes. In the application, you can easily develop applications for events or special offers from your company.
28. Zapier
Have you ever worked on multiple projects at the same time that doesn’t work together correctly? If yes, then Zippier will help you to carry out detailed integration of various services, solving any problems with tool compatibility.
29. Stack Overflow
A free platform created for mutual assistance of programmers and technical specialists of any profile, which analyzes complex and individual cases in detail.
30. Broadcom
A service that will help you develop web projects without compromising security. With it, you can give the proper flexibility and depth to digital marketing.
Now your team is fully equipped for the first victorious campaign and cannot be afraid of anything. Of course, the listed 30 tools are just a drop in the ocean of modern services for a marketer, but it is important to remember that every great journey begins with the first step, and doing it with a great starter pack of tools is always better than going light into the business world TheTechLabs