Self Improvement

Business Coaching: Is it an Expense or an Investment?

If you have hired a professional coach recently, have you viewed your coaching as an expense or an investment? Of course, any coaching support should, a priori, be considered as an investment for the professional coach, his entourage, and the company. But what do companies use to measure the progress and return on real investment of corporate or executive coaching?

In an article written by Yvon Chouinard, ACC, on the return on investment in executive coaching, the coach reveals that despite numerous searches in order to find an answer to the question, the results remain unsuccessful and inconclusive.

The real return on investment of coaching

In an article written by Yvon Chouinard, ACC, on the return on investment in executive coaching, the coach reveals that despite numerous searches in order to find an answer to the question, the results remain unsuccessful and inconclusive.

However, he cites a research project set up to survey buyers of business coaching services in order to assess, among other things:

  • If companies take the time to evaluate their investment in coaching.
  • And, if they do, what means they use to assess ROI in coaching.

This research made it possible to establish an evaluation model of ROI in coaching. Rather linear, the author explains this process of periodic evaluation which takes after a “clock tower” and which you can draw inspiration from.

Make coaching an investment

In fact, the author explains that it is unlikely that a simple financial measure will be useful in evaluating the impact of coaching in an organization. According to him, and this is also what I observe, leaders do not necessarily seek to have concrete proof that corporate or executive coaching has a direct impact on profit. What they are looking for is evidence that coaching has an impact on key dimensions of organizational performance.

It is therefore necessary, from the start of the coaching to:

  • Clarify the purpose and expected results.
  • Ensure the level of commitment and motivation of the coach.
  • Finding the best coach for the coach.
  • Assess the coach: their strengths, talents, behaviors, etc.
  • Involve the management and, if necessary, his colleagues throughout the accompaniment.
  • Schedule periodic tenure reviews to measure the progress of the coach.
  • Involve the coach and management in each of these evaluations.
  • Equip management so that they can adequately accompany and support the coach.
  • Establish an action plan to continue the evolution of the coach at the end of the mandate.

The little luxuries that make all the difference

But there is more! If you want to increase your investment in coaching tenfold and further motivate your coach, offer him the chance to be accompanied in coaching as soon as possible. The faster you act, the greater its chance of success. On the other hand, take an active part in its process of evolution. The coach is there, of course. But the real success of the coach is based on his commitment but also the support of those around him. And finally, focus your full attention on the talents and strengths of your executive coach.

This will motivate him and will therefore facilitate or even accelerate the achievement of the objectives set. In fact, the author explains that it is unlikely that a simple financial measure. Will be useful in evaluating the impact of in an organization. According to him, and this is also what I observe. Leaders do not necessarily seek to have concrete proof that corporate or executivehas a direct impact on profit. What they are looking for is evidence that has an impact on key dimensions of organizational performance.


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