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Top Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is one of the newest technologies, which attempts to replicate human thinking through AI systems. John McCarthy invented the term Artificial Intelligence in the year 1950.

He stated that ‘every aspect of learning, or any other aspect of intelligence can be in principle defined that a machine could be designed to emulate it. A plan will be put forward to discover how machines utilize language, forms abstractions and concepts, tackle the kind of issues that are currently reserved to humans, and even improve their own capabilities.’

Artificial Intelligence is the ability of computers to comprehend and think. Anything can consider Artificial intelligence when it involves an application. It normally could be based on the intellect of an individual human.

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Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

The benefits of Artificial intelligence are immense and will revolutionize every professional industry. Let’s take a look at some of them.

1) Reduction in Human Error:

The term “human error” was born because humans make mistakes from time moment. Computers are able to not make these errors when they’re programmed correctly. When using Artificial Intelligence, choices are made based on the previously collected data and based on an algorithm that is specific to. Therefore, errors are lessened and the possibility of achieving the accuracy you desire with a higher degree of precision is possible.

Example of this is in the field of Weather Forecasting with AI they have cut down most human errors.

2.) Risks themselves instead of Humans:

This is among the most significant benefits that comes with Artificial intelligence. We can get around the many dangerous limitations humans face by creating AI Robots. AI Robot which in turn can perform the risky tasks for us. If it is taking to Mars or defuse a bomb, go deep into the oceans, or mining for oil and coal and more, it is able to utilize effectively in all kinds of natural or human-made disasters.

Example Did you know about the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion in Ukraine? There no robots powered by AI which could help us limit the impact of radiation, by regulating the flame in its early stages because anyone who walked close enough to the core would be dead within a few minutes. They later poured sand, and boron out of helicopters from just a few hundred yards.

AI Robots can utilize in these situations, in which intervention could be risky.

3) Available 24×7:

A typical human works for about 4-6 hours per day, excluding breaks. Humans are made in that they can take time to relax and to get prepare for the new day at work. They also have a weekly meal to keep up with their personal and professional lives. With AI, we are able to create machines that work 24/7 without a break and they aren’t bored, which is a huge difference from humans.

Example: Educational Institutes and Helpline centers are receiving a lot of queries and problems that could be effectively handle with AI.

4) Helping in Repetitive Jobs:

In the course of our daily work we’ll be doing numerous repetitive tasks like sending thank-you letters or confirming certain documents for mistakes and numerous other things. With artificial intelligence, we can efficiently automate these routine tasks, and even eliminate “boring” tasks for humans and allow them to be more imaginative.

Examples: In banks, we typically witness a lot of verifications of documents in order to obtain a loan. This is a tedious job for the bank’s owner. the bank. By using AI Cognitive Automation the owner will be able to accelerate the process of confirming the documents, and both customers as well as the bank owner will benefit.

5) Digital Assistance:

Many of the most modern organizations utilize digital assistants for interaction with users , which eliminates the requirement to employ human resource. Digital assistants are also employed on numerous websites to provide the services that users need. Chatbots can talk to us about the things we’re searching for. Chatbots can be designed so that it’s difficult to tell if we’re talking with a chatbot or human being.

An example: We are all aware that businesses have a support department that must answer the questions and doubts of customers. With the help of AI companies can create an automated Voice robot or Chatbot which will assist customers with their questions. Many organizations have are already using the bots on their websites and mobile apps.


Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

Like every good thing, there is an equally bright side. Artificial Intelligence comes with its negatives. Let’s look at some of them.

1) High Costs of Creation:

Since AI is continuously evolving, both the hardware and software have to be updated regularly to keep up with the latest specifications. Machines require maintenance and repair that require a lot of money. The process of creating them requires enormous costs since they are highly complicate machines.

2) Making Humans Lazy:

AI can make human beings lazy through its applications which automate the majority of tasks. Humans can be prone to becoming obsessed with these technologies that can pose a threat for the future generation.

3) Unemployment:

Since AI replaces the bulk of repetitive tasks and other jobs using robots, human involvement is decreasing which could create a significant problem for the standards of employment. Every company is trying to replace their lowest-qualified employees by AI robots that can perform similar work more efficiently.

4) No Emotions:

It is no secret that machines are far superior when it comes to performing effectively, but they are not able to substitute humans who creates the team. Machines are not able to form bonds with human beings. Which is an essential quality when it is it comes to Team Management.

5) Lacking Out of Box Thinking:

Machines can only perform the jobs. They’ve create or programmed to perform and anything else is likely to fail or produce outputs that are not relevant, that could create a significant background.



There are a few advantages and drawbacks associated with Artificial Intelligence. Every new breakthrough or innovation will come with both advantages and disadvantages, however we as humans must take care of both and take advantage of the advantages of this technology to build better conditions for our world. Artificial intelligence is a huge potential benefits. Humans will be the key to make sure that the “rise of the robots” does not get out of control. There are those who say that Artificial intelligence could destroy humanity if it falls to the improper hands. Yet, none is the AI applications create at that magnitude could devastate or even enslave humanity.

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