Health and Fitness

Things to Avoid during Pregnancy

Things to Avoid during Pregnancy

It is very exciting to know that a little one is coming soon!  It is an adorable phase where a female experiences pregnancy & the richness, completeness, and absoluteness of being a woman in a real sense. A wonderful stage it is that brings several changes into the life of a to-be mother and to-be father as well. It is of utmost necessity for a woman to take several precautionary measures to make sure that her baby gets the required and needful elements for its growth and development inside the womb.

There are certain dos and don’ts during the pregnancy stage. When these rules are followed, a majority of cases witness that a baby comes into the world with a healthy body and proper growth and development aspects to cope with the existing environment around. In this article, we will focus on, and try to elucidate the things that should be avoided during pregnancy to ensure a good state for the baby inside the womb and the mother as well.

If you are searching for a clinic, you can type Apollo Clinic near me and get your appointment booked. Before discussing these simple tips, it is to be noted that these good habits or aspects not only help woman nurture a foetus during pregnancy but also in the pre-pregnancy stage. These habits are extremely helpful and some of them are as follows-

Carefully pick up food items:

It is an important and mandatory step for any woman in the world, to follow when pregnant. While in the pregnancy stage, there are certain limitations regarding food items for the healthy growth and development of the baby inside the womb. Certain food items have the power to harm the foetus and the body of the mother including her inner systems. Some of these items are discussed below-

  • Raw meat or uncooked food:

These are extremely dangerous to the baby. Uncooked or raw food items introduce various types of bacterial and parasitic infections. Bacterial Vaginosis is a common type of bacterial infection that occurs in pregnant ladies. They can be the cause of the baby’s premature birth and low-weight birth. Parasitic infections are common and affect a large number of pregnant women across the globe every year.


Some parasitic infections attack the placenta and some of the baby inside. Malaria and amoeba infections are a few examples of parasitic infections. They can invite unwanted conditions and complexities in the body during pregnancy. If you are searching for a clinic and want to know more about the diet plan, you can search for Apollo Clinic near me and get your appointment booked.


Fish with high levels of mercury:

Mercury is a toxic substance. A pregnant woman should restrict herself from consuming large amounts of seafood or food items that contain high levels of mercury. Swordfish, Tilefish, Shark, Bigeye Tuna, etc, are a few examples of sea creatures that contain a high level of mercury. It is a substance that can damage the body’s organs. It is also said that a heavy amount of such a metal leads to miscarriages.

Smoked seafood:

Smoked seafood is another factor that increases complexities in pregnant women. They contain listeria. It is a bacterial illness; it is an infection that can pose a serious threat to pregnant ladies as well as people who are above 65 years of age.


This type of infection weakens the immune system and invites many other disorders in the body. Unwashed raw vegetables, ready-to-eat meals, cold curd, soft-serve ice cream, semi-soft cheeses, etc, are a few examples of food items that include listeria. These things should be purely avoided during pregnancy to help the baby grow without much disturbance in the body.


Raw Eggs:

Raw or uncooked egg is one of the factors that are responsible for food poisoning. Raw eggs contain salmonella bacteria. It is a type of bacteria that affects the intestinal part of the human body. Due to the introduction of salmonella bacteria, a pregnant woman might suffer from diarrhea, fever, abdomen cramps, and others. It is quite rare but sometimes salmonella enters the placenta and infects the foetus inside. This bacterial infection can also lead to miscarriages.

Unpasteurized milk:

Raw milk should be avoided during pregnancy. It contains listeria. As mentioned a few lines above, listeria might lead to miscarriage, illness, or even death of a newly born baby. Hence, unpasteurized should be strictly stopped during pregnancy. If you are searching for a clinic to know more about a proper diet plan to follow during your pregnancy stage, you can type Apollo Clinic near me and get your appointment booked.


It is a chemical found in several food items and drinks like coffee, cola, etc. Items that contain caffeine should be avoided because they can bring unwanted complexities to the body of a pregnant woman. Caffeine leads to miscarriages and other internal issues in the body of the mother and harms the baby as well.

One might get indigestion problems, feel jittery, and heart rate might go up. Such a chemical prevents an individual from getting a night of proper sleep. It leads a person to feel nausea, and lightheaded, and also leads to a slight increase in the heart rate.

Second-hand smoke:

It is one of the major factors that lead to several complexities in a pregnant woman. When exposed to second-hand smoke, both the mother and the baby are at great risk. With such a type of smoking, it becomes difficult for a mother to give birth to a healthy baby. Most cases end with conditions like miscarriage, low birth weight, early birth, and deficiencies in the behaviour of the baby, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). According to a study it is depicted that second-hand smoking increases the risk of miscarriage by 11%.

Consumption of Alcohol:

Consumption of any kind of intoxicant especially during the pregnancy stage is not at all a good idea for a to-be mom. Alcohol is one such example. Alcohol consumption during the pregnancy stage might lead to foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). FASD gives birth to issues of- muscles, bones, joints, problems with speech, and many more.

Intoxicant like alcohol causes miscarriages, low weight birth, and other complexities to happen to a pregnant woman. If you are searching for a clinic to gain more information about pregnancy and its dos and don’ts, you can type Apollo Clinic near me and get your appointment booked.

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