How many of us have a daily motivation to provide for our well-being and our comfort of ours? Many are still looking to be surrounded. By the best professionals planning in order to receive good advice. And ensure the growth of their wealth. Faced with so much effort and rigor, ask yourself about your feelings when you think of your death.
This moment after your death. When you will no longer have control and you will no longer. Be able to keep the course on your objectives for the administration of your heritage. Is a deep feeling you feel synonymous. With peace or worry about the use and administration of your assets by your heirs?
Since January 1, 2016, many have asserted, without however providing adequate nuance. T hat the fiduciary will no longer have its raison. Some will agree with these statements if the sole intention of the testator or his M&A advisor was to use the testamentary trust to take advantage of the progressive rate that this type of trust provided.
Despite the loss of this notable privilege. The testamentary trust has other advantages that could make all the difference for social development. And the maintenance of the well-being of our ever-changing generations. It is. Therefore, possible for you, by using the testamentary trust. To protect the patrimony of your heirs against their own creditors. To ensure that the administration. Of the bequeathed property is carried out in a rational manner. In respect of the particular needs and the reality of your heirs. Or that assistance is simply accessible for your inexperienced heirs. Or those in the process of learning to manage their own affairs.
Also, did you know that it is possible to tax the income of the testamentary trust for a beneficiary under the age of 21 at the progressive rate, without there being any disbursement or remittance of money made directly in the child’s patrimony? The income of the trust will thus remain a protected asset.
The intervention of the public curator will be avoided, as there will be no disbursement through M&A advisory. In addition, the child or the young adult will be able to benefit from a healthy social development without external influences or interventions which can, in certain situations, become unhealthy for the latter since he will not have direct access to his heritage.
To find out more about this, ask your professional from the SME INTER Notaries network for advice. Your professional, supported by a committee of experts in the field, will guide you and send you all the relevant information according to your situation and your wishes. He will show you the added value of the trust will and who knows, maybe you will gain peace of mind. Isn’t that an amazing feeling that is priceless?
Also, did you know that it is possible to tax the income of the testamentary trust for a beneficiary under the age of 21 at the progressive rate, without there being any disbursement or remittance of money made directly in the child’s patrimony? The income of the trust will thus remain a protected asset. It will continue to.