
The Best Superfoods for 2022

Throughout the years, many different foods have been scientifically proven to add significant benefits to your daily diet. Specific vegetables or proteins add plenty of nutrients and minerals that help our bodies function. Some of them have even been proven to assist with health conditions. The list is constantly changing as studies on different foods discover new traits that can classify them as a superfood, so without further adieu, here are some incredible foods you should add to your diet.


Avocado has become a staple in the average household. Not only is it insanely delicious, but it also has a whole host of benefits. It’s a great, healthy source of fat, fiber, and essential vitamins and is super beneficial in fighting heart disease, high blood pressure, and certain types of diabetes.


When it comes to fruit, berries host some incredible health benefits, they’re great for smoothies and easy snacking and come in a wide variety. However, each berry has one key trait: they are rich in antioxidants. Some studies have even suggested that berries help with brain health and inflammation.


It’s no secret that fish is an excellent source of vitamins. But none more than salmon. It’s one of the best sources of omega-3s and b vitamins around. In addition, while other proteins like red meat can contribute to the risks of heart disease, salmon is a rich source of healthy fats.


Eggs are the breakfast food of choice and, when it comes to high protein diets, are an absolute must-have. They’re rich in vitamins A, B, and iron; despite rumors that eggs contribute to high cholesterol, the opposite is true. They’re one of the most nutritious foods on the planet and pair them with an Organic Protein Powder, and you’ll never struggle to meet your daily protein requirements.


Garlic is a pantry staple and is used in all sorts of cooking. Not only does it add incredible taste to everything, but it also has been used for centuries for its health benefits. It’s packed with anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. It also helps control blood pressure and cholesterol levels.


Mushrooms have their own medicine category, mycotherapy, used to help fight diseases, complement cancer treatments, and have anti-inflammatory properties. They’ve been a long-standing superfood and are an easy, sustainable vegetable to grow. Making them good for the environment and good for you!


Dairy is known for improving calcium content, but did you know that certain types of dairy by-products have other benefits too? Kefir is similar to yogurt and filled with nutritional value. One of the most significant benefits of Kefir is the probiotics it can bring into our diets, and it makes for a great base to add to your Organic Protein Powder smoothies.


Turmeric is closely related to ginger and was initially sourced from India. It is used in medicine for its anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties and is commonly found in “Cold Shots” to help fight off winter flu. In addition, some studies prove that turmeric can help fight off major chronic diseases like cancer.


Superfoods are much easier to come by, and as the food industry grows, new and exciting products use the substantial benefits they provide. Visit a Protein Shop near you, and you might be surprised to find a diverse range of health products that make getting our daily dose of superfoods easier.

By – Profit Parrot

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