
Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. Stock – is a Buy, Sell or Hold?

The P/E ratio measures how cheaply valued a company’s stock price is by dividing the current stock price to its earnings-per-share (EPS). It indicates the dollar amount an investor can expect to invest in a company to receive $1 of that company’s earnings. Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s P/E ratio is 35.69. it has increased by a third in comparison to the same period last year. this metric is one of the most popular because it easily summarizes the status of the company. however, in order to make an informed decision, more metrics should be analysed.

What is Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. P/E Ratio?

Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s P/E ratio is 35.69, which represents a 13.16% increase over the same period last year. their average P/E ratio is 43.34 and their 5-year average is 48.15.

What is Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. Net EPS?

Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s net earnings for the most recent quarter were 0.45 US dollars, which represents a 32.35% increase over the same period last year.

Who are Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. Competitors?

Based on Jika.io AI model, Preferred Apartment Communities, Centerspace, Hersha Hospitality Trust, Industrial Logistics Properties Trust, NETSTREIT Corp., Piedmont Office Realty Trust, RPT Realty, Service Properties Trust are considered to be Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s competitors because the companies operate in the same industry as Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. and they are targeting the same customer base. in addition, competitors typically share a similar market capitalization as Retail Opportunity Investments Corp..

Who is Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Biggest competitor?

The biggest competitor of Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. is Preferred Apartment Communities based on the Jika.io AI model. it has a similar market capitalization to Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. within the industry, it dominates a similar portion of the market share as Retail Opportunity Investments Corp., and it provides and markets very similar services.

What industry is Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. in?

Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. is part of the REIT – Retail and Real Estate.

Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. vs Preferred Apartment Communities

Market Cap: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Market Cap of 1978553856 is higher than Preferred Apartment Communities Market Cap of 1624227456.
Average Volume: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Average Volume of 1.27M is lower than Preferred Apartment Communities Average Volume of 1.888M.
Beta: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Beta of 1.39 is higher than Preferred Apartment Communities Beta of 0.98.
Revenue: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Revenue of 284.1M is lower than Preferred Apartment Communities Revenue of 451.142M.
Net Income: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Net Income of 53.508M is higher than Preferred Apartment Communities Net Income of 20.446M.
Gross Profit: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Gross Profit of 205.998M is lower than Preferred Apartment Communities Gross Profit of 305.984M.
Ebitda: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Ebitda of 203.972M is lower than Preferred Apartment Communities Ebitda of 292.053M.
P/E Ratio: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s P/E Ratio of 33.89 is lower than Preferred Apartment Communities P/E Ratio of 92.05.
P/S Ratio: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s P/S Ratio of 7.07 is higher than Preferred Apartment Communities P/S Ratio of 3.19.
P/B Ratio: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s P/B Ratio of 1.6 is higher than Preferred Apartment Communities P/B Ratio of 1.22.
P/FCF Ratio: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s P/FCF Ratio of 14.66 is higher than Preferred Apartment Communities P/FCF Ratio of 11.1.
ROE: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s ROE of 0.05 is higher than Preferred Apartment Communities ROE of 0.01.
ROA: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s ROA of 0.02 is higher than Preferred Apartment Communities ROA of 0.0.
Shareholders Equity: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s TShareholders Equity of 1.277B is higher than Preferred Apartment Communities TShareholders Equity of 1.024B.

Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. vs Centerspace

Market Cap: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Market Cap of 1978553856 is higher than Centerspace Market Cap of 1329355136.
Average Volume: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Average Volume of 1.27M is lower than Centerspace Average Volume of 83451.0.
Beta: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Beta of 1.39 is higher than Centerspace Beta of 0.98.
Revenue: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Revenue of 284.1M is higher than Centerspace Revenue of 0.0.
Net Income: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Net Income of 53.508M is higher than Centerspace Net Income of -2.101M.
Gross Profit: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Gross Profit of 205.998M is higher than Centerspace Gross Profit of 0.0.
Ebitda: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Ebitda of 203.972M is lower than Centerspace Ebitda of 29.984M.
P/E Ratio: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s P/E Ratio of 33.89 is higher than Centerspace P/E Ratio of -176.95.
P/S Ratio: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s P/S Ratio of 7.07 is higher than Centerspace P/S Ratio of 5.45.
P/B Ratio: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s P/B Ratio of 1.6 is higher than Centerspace P/B Ratio of 1.47.
P/FCF Ratio: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s P/FCF Ratio of 14.66 is higher than Centerspace P/FCF Ratio of 14.55.
ROE: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s ROE of 0.05 is higher than Centerspace ROE of -0.01.
ROA: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s ROA of 0.02 is higher than Centerspace ROA of -0.0.
Shareholders Equity: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s TShareholders Equity of 1.277B is lower than Centerspace TShareholders Equity of 996280.0.

Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. vs Hersha Hospitality Trust

Market Cap: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Market Cap of 1978553856 is higher than Hersha Hospitality Trust Market Cap of 388840192.
Average Volume: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Average Volume of 1.27M is lower than Hersha Hospitality Trust Average Volume of 335965.0.
Beta: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Beta of 1.39 is lower than Hersha Hospitality Trust Beta of 2.23.
Revenue: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Revenue of 284.1M is lower than Hersha Hospitality Trust Revenue of 295.989M.
Net Income: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Net Income of 53.508M is higher than Hersha Hospitality Trust Net Income of -40.173M.
Gross Profit: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Gross Profit of 205.998M is lower than Hersha Hospitality Trust Gross Profit of 76.646M.
Ebitda: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Ebitda of 203.972M is higher than Hersha Hospitality Trust Ebitda of 101.523M.
P/E Ratio: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s P/E Ratio of 33.89 is higher than Hersha Hospitality Trust P/E Ratio of -5.59.
P/S Ratio: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s P/S Ratio of 7.07 is higher than Hersha Hospitality Trust P/S Ratio of 1.12.
P/B Ratio: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s P/B Ratio of 1.6 is higher than Hersha Hospitality Trust P/B Ratio of 0.67.
P/FCF Ratio: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s P/FCF Ratio of 14.66 is lower than Hersha Hospitality Trust P/FCF Ratio of 14.84.
ROE: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s ROE of 0.05 is higher than Hersha Hospitality Trust ROE of -0.12.
ROA: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s ROA of 0.02 is higher than Hersha Hospitality Trust ROA of -0.04.
Gross Profit Margin: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Gross Profit Margin of 0.73 is higher than Hersha Hospitality Trust Gross Profit Margin of 0.44.
Assets (Total): Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Assets (Total) of 2.929B is higher than Hersha Hospitality Trust Assets (Total) of 1.833B.
Debt (Total): Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Debt (Total) of 1.329B is higher than Hersha Hospitality Trust Debt (Total) of 1.172B.
Shareholders Equity: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Return On Capital Employed of 0.04 is higher than Industrial Logistics Properties Trust Return On Capital Employed of 0.02.
Gross Profit Margin: Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Gross Profit Margin of 0.73 is lower than Industrial Logistics Properties Trust Gross Profit Margin of 0.86.
Assets (Total): Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Assets (Total) of 2.929B is higher than Industrial Logistics Properties Trust Assets (Total) of 1.909B.
Debt (Total): Retail Opportunity Investments Corp.’s Debt (Total) of 1.329B is lower than Industrial Logistics Properties Trust Debt (Total) of 840.559M.
Shareholders Equity:



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