Mobile Applications Which Categories Will Stay Trending in 2022

The market for mobile apps is developing rapidly under the influence of changing users’ preferences and new business challenges. 2020 was a game-changing year for the whole world, and it affected mobile app development trends as well. In this article, we are going to overview the main approaches and mobile applications which categories will stay trending.
What Are the Top Mobile App Development Trends in 2022?
According to the Mobile Application Development Methodologies research, “Popularity of mobile phones in need of flexible software processes, which can be challenging. Challenges include volatility of requirements, strong user involvement, development time tightness, process simplicity.
App Development Trends
The following mobile app development trends and the corresponding practices the developers will use directly point out the opportunity to deliver more value at fewer expenses.
Despite the fact that the hype around blockchain and cryptocurrencies has subsided a little recently, blockchain continues to be the only decentralized technology that allows you to exchange data securely and anonymously. Of course, companies will use this opportunity to enhance in-app security, build solutions for anonymous and encrypted communication, and secure payments. This is also one of the ways to strengthen mobile enterprise security, and according to Forbes, this year, we can expect the growth of the Enterprise blockchain market.
In 2022, we are looking forward to Internet of Things development as one of the most promising business opportunities. It is expected to be used in the production and quality control processes, revealing even more of its potential when combined with AI and ML. In the latter case, the companies will be able to unblock the access to advanced data analysis opportunities, predictive and preventive maintenance, cost-cutting, and improving their efficiency at each of the production process stages.
Chatbots have long been an integral part of the ecommerce experience, and they will continue to evolve this year. What’s more, it is expected that the level of intelligence of chatbots will reach new heights, and they will be capable of more than patterned answers to patterned questions. Experts say that chatbots are the future of conversational ecommerce; they will help develop personalized relationships and become one of the main channels of communication and customer support. Of course, their development is one of the strongest mobile app development trends in2022.
On-Demand Apps
On-demand economics is expected to become an economic future. Starting with simple delivery and boosted by pandemics, the modern on-demand economy expanded its boundaries to all-encompassing on-demand services.
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AR and VR
Modern users expect an even more interactive and immersive experience from the apps they interact with. Fortunately, virtual and augmented realities may provide them with this opportunity. This is a prominent app development trend that will be especially noticeable in the field of ecommerce. Deprived of the opportunity to shop in the traditional way, customers expect brands to offer a real-life experience from mobile purchases. Recently, such an approach was used by big retail companies, in2022, more merchants will think about utilizing AR and VR in their sales process.
Android Instant Apps
The rapid growth of the mobile app market made users pickier when it comes to the solutions they would like to use, and the developers should find a way to deal with this issue. The concepts of instant apps may solve the problem and offer the users to test the app before downloading it. The applications created according to this technology allow for quick features testing, and thus, the users may be better aware of what they are going to install, use and pay for. There are already a lot of instant apps available in Google Play.
2021 will be the year of mass 5G adoption. It will force developers to create even more advanced apps to power the Internet of Things, and smart cities will be the first to take advantage of 5G and mobile technologies. It will also make the developers pay more attention to data transfer security.
Organizational Mobile Development
Enterprise Professional mobile app development company is one more2022 trend. Business apps are evolving because of the necessity to use them on the go and instantly solve current business tasks. And pandemic remains one of the core triggers of this process. For example, a lot of enterprises have changed their approaches to order delivery (yes, this is the influence of the on-demand economics as well), and thereby, they were forced to either use or develop enterprise solutions for route management and planning, used by their staff right in the process of order delivery.
Such apps are, firstly, mobile-friendly since they are constantly used by the drivers, and secondly, they are quite advanced – they are capable of instant data sync and sharing, plus powered by artificial intelligence for making more accurate and data-driven business decisions.
Mobile Commerce
Mobile commenting has long ceased to be a trend but has become a reality. Influenced by the pandemic, more and more people are choosing mobile shopping as an alternative to the crowds in shopping malls. Moreover, the mobile experience is becoming more advanced, for example, due to the chatbots of which we have already mentioned, shoppable videos, and PWA.
Progressive Web Applications
As for the Progressive Web Applications, their share is also expected to rise. Their main benefit is in no necessity for an internet connection to make them work. They are especially promising for delivering a headless ecommerce experience. Such an approach allows for separating the back and front end part of the ecommerce CMS and delivering an API-driven experience to the users. It means instant shopping opportunities and significant advantages.
Apps for Wearable Devices
Under the influence of the pandemic, people began to take better care of their health. Wearable devices have always been effective tools. Purpose that allows for tracking your vital indicators such as heart rate, pressure level, and sleep patterns. What’s more, the market for mHealth apps was projected to grow. Now these predictions have become a reality.
Mobile Wallets
More and more customers are switching to contactless payments. Abandoning cash as a non-hygienic way to pay for goods or services. In response to this customers’ demand, we may expect the rise of mobile wallets development.
Many of the 2022 mobile app development trends are triggered by the pandemic and AppVerticals knows this well. Under its influence, developers have channeled all their technical skills. Creativity to solve business and user problems in a more advanced way. Some trends have become a logical continuation of the development of certain technologies. The pandemic continues to shape the modern economic landscape far beyond the mobile app development market.