Computers and Technology

Major Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Networking

Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Networking

Computer networking, in which all computers are wirelessly connected to one another by a single network, has emerged as one of the most popular methods of information sharing. Today, it is heavily relied upon by corporations and organisations to communicate messages and information to key channels. It has helped not just businesses, but also people because they must regularly communicate critical information. Despite its many benefits, computer networking is not without its flaws. Its benefits and drawbacks are as follows:

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Advantages of Computer Networking

It improves information accessibility and communication.

Networking, especially with full online access, enables forms of communication that were before simply not conceivable. Instant messaging has made it possible for users to communicate with one another in real time and transmit files to others from anywhere in the world, which is a big advantage for businesses. Additionally, it provides access to a wealth of important information, such as classic reference texts and relevant information like news and current events.

It makes resource sharing more practical.

This benefit is crucial, especially for larger businesses that must produce enormous quantities of resources to be distributed to everyone. Since the technology is computer-based, it is guaranteed that by connecting to a computer network that their audience is also using, the resources they want to provide will be fully shared.

It facilitates file sharing

People may exchange their files more easily thanks to computer networking, which considerably aids them in saving time and effort because they can accomplish file sharing more appropriately and effectively.

It is highly flexible

This technology is renowned for being incredibly versatile since it provides people the chance to learn everything there is to know about fundamental items like software without impairing their operation. Additionally, everyone will be able to access and share all the information they require.

It is an inexpensive system

It wouldn’t be expensive to install networking software on your device because you can be sure it will last and be able to properly share information with your peers. Additionally, there is no need to update the software frequently because this is typically not necessary.

It increases cost efficiency

Through computer networking, you can use a variety of commercial software items that can be simply stored or installed on your system or server and then used by numerous workstations.

It boosts storage capacity

You must make sure that all data and material are correctly kept in the system if you plan to share information, files, and resources with other individuals. You can accomplish all of this without difficulty using this networking technology and yet have all the storage capacity you require.

Disadvantages of Computer Networking

It lacks independence

People will rely more on computer work than actual effort to complete jobs since computer networking involves a procedure that is run on computers. In addition, they will be reliant on the primary file server, which means that if it malfunctions, the system would be rendered useless and users will be idle.

It poses security difficulties

A specific user’s security would always be in danger since a sizable number of users would be using a computer network to obtain and share part of their files and resources. Even criminal acts could take place, therefore you should be cautious and aware of them.

It lacks robustness

As was previously mentioned, if the main server of a computer network fails, the entire system would be rendered unusable. Additionally, if its central connecting server or bridging device fails, the entire network will also come to a halt. Huge networks should include a strong computer acting as a file server to handle these issues and make network setup and maintenance simpler.

It allows for more presence of computer viruses and malware

There may be times when corrupt files are stored as a result of computer viruses. Network administrators should therefore regularly examine both the system and the stored files.

Its light policing usage promotes negative acts

It has been noted that giving users access to the internet has encouraged bad behaviour in them. Because the internet is a minefield of diverting content, including online games, humorous websites, and even pornographic websites, employees may succumb to temptation while at work. The vast network of computers can also tempt them to work on illegal activities like file sharing and instant chatting rather than official tasks. Although many firms draught specific policies on this, they have proven challenging to enforce and have even led to employee hostility.

Last Words

Although computer networking will always be a quick and practical way to transfer and share information, individuals need also be aware of its drawbacks. They should keep in mind that frequently relying on this system can expose them to hazards brought on by vulnerabilities and other failures in it.


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