Health and Fitness

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction and Some Important Treatment Advice

You have probably heard about various causes of erectile dysfunction, but do you know what they are? This article will take a look at several of the most common causes of ED, including physical problems, nerve system disorders, and medications. Here are a few things to keep in mind when considering your treatment options. A previous episode of ED can make you nervous about having sex.

Physical problems

A physical examination should assess a patient’s general health, paying special attention to his cardiovascular, neurologic, and genitourinary systems. Vital signs and pulse should be assessed, as should hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and vascular conditions. Evidence of vascular disease in the skin and hair should be noted. Physical examination of erectile dysfunction patients should be undertaken by a board-certified physician, as erectile dysfunction is the most common cause of impotence.

Other physical problems associated with erectile dysfunction can cause ongoing impotence. For example, vascular disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure are common. While age itself is a risk factor, it is not a definite cause. One-third of 70-year-old men reported no erectile difficulties. Other possible causes may include a traumatic injury to the lower spinal cord or a stroke.

Psychological factors and physical conditions may also contribute to erectile dysfunction. Certain medicines and stress may be associated with erectile dysfunction. It’s important to consult your doctor before changing any medicines or reducing the dosage. Your doctor will also prescribe a lower dose of an anti-depressant if you’re taking a prescription drug for a heart condition. A doctor can also prescribe an alternative treatment if your current medication is causing erectile dysfunction.

Medical conditions may also cause erectile dysfunction, as the symptoms of the disorder become worse with age. Some men stay sexually active until they’re in their 80s. But for some men, it’s the first symptom of a more serious underlying health condition. Many factors can reduce blood flow to the penis, including smoking and certain diseases. Certain injuries to the pelvic area can also harm nerves that supply blood to the penis.

Nervous system problems

A research team in Spain has found that nerve damage plays a bigger role in erectile dysfunction than physicians once thought. The study, led by Consuelo Valles-Antuna, found that nearly half of the men with sexual problems had some type of nerve damage. This type of neuropathy affected other parts of the body, such as the hands, feet, and legs.

Men often delay seeking medical attention for their sexual function due to shame, and this can delay a diagnosis of a serious underlying condition. For example, it may be an early symptom of an advancing coronary disease or a form of atherosclerosis. Because of this, it is essential to discuss erectile dysfunction with your doctor to get the proper diagnosis and treatment.

Many neurologic conditions can contribute to ED. These conditions include diabetes, multiple sclerosis, chronic alcoholism, spinal cord injury, and even heavy metal poisoning. Nerve damage from pelvic operations may also lead to erectile dysfunction. Medications for high blood pressure or antidepressants can also cause the problem. In addition to these medical conditions, there are lifestyle factors that can cause erectile dysfunction.

Surgical procedures for prostate or bladder cancer can affect the blood vessels and nerves around the penis. These surgeries can lead to erectile dysfunction but many men find relief after the surgery. Nervous system problems related to diabetes can also lead to erectile dysfunction, and diabetic men often suffer from neuropathy-induced erectile dysfunction. However, these problems are rare and require prompt medical attention to prevent permanent damage to the nerves.


One of the first steps in treating erectile dysfunction is surgical intervention. Penile vascular surgery is a surgical procedure to increase blood flow in the penis, but it is only recommended for young men with severe pelvic trauma. Older men may experience a decline in erectile function over time. There are many options for ED treatment, including laparoscopic procedures using robotic instruments or freehand instrumentation.

There are several types of surgical procedures for penile artery blockage. Vascular reconstruction surgery is the most common and expensive option. It bypasses the blocked penile arteries and restores adequate blood flow to maintain an erection. Surgical procedures like bypass are costly and technically challenging.

The type of surgical procedure a man receives depends on the cause of his erectile dysfunction and the type of medical specialist they choose. Surgical treatments are the most common treatment for ED, but oral medications are also an option.

Some doctors use a penile prosthesis or microvascular surgery to correct blockages in blood vessels. However, each type of treatment has its pros and cons. The most effective type of surgery depends on the cause of the problem, but it may not be the best option for every patient.

The procedure involves placing a water-based device into the penis through a small incision. The implant helps control the duration of an erection and ensures a solid and reliable base for future sex. Although penile implants are the closest treatment option for ED, other treatments are available to help relieve the symptoms and prevent permanent damage to your penis. The Houston Methodist Men’s Health Center offers comprehensive care for men.


Medications for erectile dysfunction can help men treat the symptoms of ED. There are many causes of ED, including smoking, high blood pressure, and alcohol. Your doctor can also prescribe an alternative treatment for your ED, such as counseling. Whether you need a prescription drug or a natural treatment, your doctor can help you decide the best option for your unique situation.

Medications for erectile dysfunction are widely available, and your doctor can discuss the pros and cons of each one. Some of these medications have some drawbacks, including interactions with certain drugs. In addition, they may not be suitable for everyone, so it is crucial to discuss your concerns with your physician before making any decisions. If the underlying cause of your ED is psychological, you can consider undergoing counseling.

Counseling may help you recover sexual confidence. Your doctor, a psychologist, or a psychiatrist may provide this counseling, and your partner may also be involved. Vidalista Medicine is very useful for erectile dysfunction.

A doctor may recommend a physical examination and medical history to determine the exact cause of your erectile dysfunction. If the cause is a hormonal problem, you may need to seek further treatment or see a specialist. A physical exam may involve an examination of your penis and testicles, and blood tests may be performed to rule out any underlying conditions.

When considering the use of oral medications to treat erectile dysfunction, it’s important to understand the risks associated with each. For example, the chemical makeup of the drugs may vary slightly. While the two types of medications are similar, some have potential side effects and are best taken with an empty stomach before sexual intercourse. For men with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction, Sildenafil (Fildena) may be the best option.


While there are many different types of medications for erectile dysfunction, one of the most common is exercise. Not only will exercise improve your cardiovascular health, but it will also help improve your sex life and your ability to get an erection. The network of blood vessels in your pelvis is essential to achieving an erection, so exercise is an essential part of addressing erectile dysfunction.

Moderate to vigorous exercise has been shown to improve erectile performance. Regular moderate to vigorous exercise helps increase blood circulation and increase your pulse. The underlying cause of erectile dysfunction is generally related to blood flow problems, including obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and vascular disease.

By increasing blood flow to the penis, exercise may be an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction. However, if you are not able to find a treatment for your erectile dysfunction, consult with a healthcare provider for more information.

A strong pelvic floor enhances the rigidity of the penis during an erection and presses on a key vein to prevent blood from flowing out during an erection. Kegel exercises and biofeedback combined with lifestyle changes can improve erectile function. In a recent trial, researchers found that three months of Kegel exercises, combined with other lifestyle changes, produced more positive results than the two interventions combined.

Other exercises that improve erectile function are pilates, abdominal crunches, and pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor muscles control the bladder, penis, and anus. They help men maintain their energy during sexual intercourse. A simple pelvic curl requires lying down on a flat surface, raising the buttocks off the floor, and pushing the heels into the ground. Repeat the exercises three times.

See More: https://ecopostings.com/excellent-5-contributing-factors-to-erectile-dysfunction/

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