9 Things You Didn’t Know About Marijuana

Marijuana is receiving increasing attention in the debate over its legalization and in terms of its medicinal properties. Marijuana is a plant (Cannabis sativa) with a high content of the psychoactive substance tetrahydrocannabinol. Cannabis is a growing market. With medical marijuana now legal in most countries, innovative cannabis producers have an excellent opportunity to focus on differentiating their brands in dispensaries through custom printed marijuana packaging. So, we decided to list nine facts, stories, and curiosities about the most widely used psychotropic drugs in the United States.
1 – Unknown Origin
No one knows the exact origin of this plant. The Virginia Museum of Drugs claims that the first mention of marijuana dates back to 2727 BC when a Chinese emperor “discovered” it for medicinal purposes. However, this theory has historical flaws, such as that the first Chinese emperor was born in 260 BC.
However, according to ancient Chinese archaeology, plant fibers have been used as ornaments for over 10,000 years. The first person to use the psychoactive properties of plants has not yet been found.
2 – Strange uses
Hemp as rope? The fibers mentioned above can make people’s lives more comfortably. And the durability of this material is impressive! Researchers at California State University, Long Beach, decided to investigate an important question in human history: how did the Easter Island statues arrive?
To recreate these iconic objects, the team of scientists used a one-meter rope made of hemp fiber, and more than 18 people walked 100 meters in less than an hour. This material was chosen because it is an easy plant to grow in Eastern Polynesia, explain the project’s authors.
3 – Differences in effects according to gender
According to a study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, smoking marijuana is experienced differently by men and women. A study conducted this year by Washington State University found that women are more sensitive to the pain-relieving effects of marijuana.
The study authors also concluded that women have a higher tolerance for cannabis and may experience more negative side effects from the overuse of marijuana. A high-quality CBD packaging wholesale is needed to make cannabis products more widely available. Make an impressive first impression by customizing your custom printed marijuana packaging with marijuana extracts, oils, pre-rolls, and flavor additives.
4 – Can it be used for pets?
According to an article from the American Veterinary Medical Association, pet owners are already using medical cannabis to treat their dogs and cats. According to veterinarians, the effects of marijuana last no more than a few hours, but they also say that large amounts of cannabis can be fatal to animals.
5 – “Mind of the Heart.”
An April 2014 study surveyed 2,000 people who had medical complications caused by cannabis. It found that 2% of these people had heart problems, and nine died from severe heart attacks.
However, the study did not examine why this use is a problem. However, previous studies have shown that marijuana can increase blood pressure and make the heart part of the body more vulnerable.
6 – A tradition
According to one Amsterdam plant grower, he has a good trick for choosing a name for his new product.” After all the hard work, when the new product was finally ready, I invited a friend over for a smoke, and we decided on a name. It was like brainstorming.
7- Marijuana in the air … From Venice?
A 2012 study suggests so. Traces of the substance were found in the air of eight Italian cities, including Venice. Places such as the Colosseum and the Pantheon are listed.
8 – High concentrations of this substance in the urine of babies?
Something extraordinary was found in a North Carolina hospital. Psychotropic substances were detected in the bodies of some newborns, resulting in high concentrations of marijuana. It led to social services and a series of questions to contact the mothers of these babies.
However, the problem lies in the soap. Researchers found a urine test could fool that baby soap with custom printed marijuana packaging. However, none of the companies involved (Johnson & Johnson, CVS, and Aveeno) found marijuana in their products.
9 – Not all leaves are green
Research has proven that growing plants is not as easy as it looks and requires much effort. Therefore, caution should be exercised when using the “sustainability” argument to justify legalization. It takes the same energy to grow a kilo of marijuana indoors as it does for a car to make five trips across the United States.
The therapeutic use of marijuana has reduced the side effects of cancer chemotherapy and relieving nausea and vomiting. It is also expected to stimulate hunger and improve quality of life (QOL) in advanced AIDS patients with anorexia.
Studies have also shown it to be effective in relieving neuropathic pain in various diseases, such as multiple sclerosis. The palliative effects of marijuana can also replace medications such as morphine if patients become intolerant of the latter.
In cases of glaucoma (optic nerve disorder), marijuana can reduce intraocular pressure. In epileptic patients, studies have shown that cannabidiol preparations may have anticonvulsant activity.