
Why people delete their Bluetooth devices and Smartwatches are also in danger of being hacked

There are so many bad reasons why people delete their Bluetooth devices. Sometimes people don’t realize that the device is actually broken, and they try to use a reprogrammer to fix it. Other times, people just try to put the device away and leave it in the car or basement. There are some bad things that can happen when you don’t know what your phone is doing. If you want to keep your Bluetooth device nearby at all times, you have to learn how to “hack” it.

It is a term that refers to the activity of controlling the Bluetooth devices in the area it is being used. The way you do this is by providing audio commands to the device that are then carried out via air (which is the name of the protocol used) and then sent to your cell phone or computer. The Bluetooth Hacking tool is a free program created by some of the best security experts in the world, who have a great deal of experience helping organizations protect their data. It is thought that this is one.

BlueTooth hacking is a term used to refer to the ability of devices such as mobile phones and tablets to connect them to a computer using the Bluetooth protocol. While this may sound simple enough, there are a number of techniques used by hackers in order to get this level of access. The technique is also known as blue-tooth hijacking, as it is commonly used to bypass the security settings of a device, allowing them to connect to corporate networks and connect it to the Internet.

Smartwatches are also in danger of being hacked

Hacking a smartwatch is an easier process than you might think due to the fragility of communication through bluetooth.

In a demonstration, the security firm Bitdefender has intercepted the communication between a smartwatch and a smartphone, accessing the content of a message in plain text. Wearable devices are becoming more and more popular. Smartwatches and smartbands have landed strongly in the market and their adoption is spreading steadily. Normally the operation of these devices is linked to the smartphone, with which they are synchronized via a bluetooth connection. However, this communication between the two points does not offer strong guarantees against a possible attack.

Senior security analyst Liviu Arsene, who works for the Bitdefender firm, has shown in a video. That it is possible to hack a smartwatch without using complex processes or tools. The researcher has used a Nexus 4 and an LG L smartwatch to do the test. The smartphone’s operating system was the developer preview version of Android L.

The declared objective of the experiment was to check if the communications between the smartphone and the smartwatch were transmitted in plain text, something that makes them more accessible and, therefore, more vulnerable. And it is that a smartphone has become a very personal device that contains private and sensitive data. From messages between people around us to work emails, through our photos.

Information obtained by wearable devices

To all this information that at this point we are used to carrying daily in our pockets is added that obtained by wearable devices. It should not be forgotten that one of the driving forces behind the adoption of smartwatches and smartbands is the possibility of measuring certain personal health parameters. The sensors collect data from our biorhythms. Such as heart rate, sleep quality or the physical exercise we do in a day.

When Arsene began to analyze the information packets. That were transmitted between the smartwatch and the smartphone. He discovered the message that he had sent as a test in communications. It was in plain text. Reaching it is not difficult. Since the bluetooth communication that synchronizes the two devices bases its security on a six-digit PIN code. By applying a brute force attack that tries all possible combinations. Something that is carried out with relatively simple tools – it is possible to hack communication.

In this way they discovered that all kinds of information transmitted between the smartphone and the smartwatch can be accessed. Bitdefender researchers were able to see the content of conversations in applications. Such as Facebook Messenger or Google Hangouts in plain text, and even read the SMS. Of course, to hack a smartwatch the attacker has to be close to the victim.

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