When Prostates Increase In Size? How do relieve stress?

One of the most common health problems that are seen in men is a so-called benign enlargement of the prostate. About 90% of the men around them suffer from this condition when they grow old. It is commonly seen in the 40s and more. Let’s talk about it in-depth, why it happens in the body and how you can relieve yourself with prostate enlargement issues.
The prostate is a special gland that is only available in the men’s body. Its mission is to produce a liquid that transports sperm during ejaculation. It is walnut size and shaped gland, situated below the bladder, in front of the rectum and surrounded by the urethra. Every man has a prostate gland. At birth, it is small in size, but its size increases when men enter puberty. The prostate doubles in size while a man is in his 20s, but after that, it stops growing for several decades and typically doesn’t cause issues until years later. Less than 10% of men in their 30s actually have benign prostate enlargement. But after 30 or 40, the prostate gland starts growing again. There is no fixed age at which it causes the problem.
When the prostate grows back over time, it can place pressure on the urethra and make urination difficult. This condition, also known as an enlarged prostate, benign prostatic hypertrophy, or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), affects almost all men as they age. Age is the main cause of prostate enlargement. It is also said, the level of testosterone also affects the size of the prostate.
It is estimated that the degree of prostate enlargement gaziantep escort bayan in the 40s is not much, but when it reaches 60, it starts affecting the body’s function. This figure exceeds 90 percent of cases when men are over 85 years of age. As said, it mainly causes problems with urination. Let’s known about more symptoms or signs of prostate enlargement problem-
- Dripping when urination,
- Incapacity or difficulty starting to urinate (urinary retention)
- A sense that the bladder is not entirely emptying
- The need to urinate (sudden strong sensation)
- Having to go to the bathroom more than once, especially at night
- Bloody or uncomfortable urinating (may be signs of infection)
- Forcing oneself to urinate
- Weak urine flow
- Bladder control issues (incontinence)
The severity of the problem depends on how much pressure your prostate put on the urethra. That is why it differs as per individual. The urine that is not completely expelled from the bladder can encourage the growth of germs that can frequently result in urinary tract infections. The signs of an enlarged prostate might worsen with time and result in more serious issues. As an illustration, consider abrupt inability to urinate, urinary infections, kidney damage, urinary stones, and/or blood in the urine. Therefore, regardless of how long you have this problem, it is good to consult the doctor about your symptoms.
There are many different treatments available to control benign enlargement of the prostate. Many opt for a natural way, many go with the surgery.
How to relieve prostate enlargement?
Today, we are recommended a natural way to reduce prostate enlargement and urinary problems. Saw Palmetto is one herb that can used in benign enlargement of the prostate. Basically, saw palmetto is a DHT blocker. It stops the working of an enzyme that converts the testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. Likewise, it maintains a healthy testosterone level in the body. In addition, saw palmetto also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the inflammation in the body which results in prostate enlargement.
Saw palmetto is a plum-like herb that produces berries. Saw palmetto berries can used for prostate and urine problems. Buy saw palmetto capsules or supplements is the best option to choose if you are unable to find saw palmetto berries.
If having a saw palmetto does not work for you, there are also many surgical procedures that are successful in treating the symptoms, albeit they come with more dangers than the other treatments. Because of this, it’s crucial that you speak with a urologist so that you can decide together which course of action is best for you. Your age, the symptoms you have, and your general health are only a few factors that will affect the course of treatment.
When the symptoms are not so bothersome for you, you can simple follow the below process to feel better-
- Never resist the desire to urinate. Take every chance when you feel like urinating.
- Stay away from caffeine and alcohol, especially after supper.
- Avoid drinking a lot of liquids all at once or right before bed.
- When the weather becomes colder, dress appropriately. It is important in the winter and rainy seasons.
- Keep up a regular physical exercise schedule for your body. Prostate exercise like kegel exercise will be helpful.
- Try to relax and de-stress. Stress and anxiety make you urinate more often.