
What to Ask a Commercial Construction Company

Currently, the number of excellent commercial general contractors Calgary has is limited. So how can you find one that’s right for you?

Experience, good reviews, and a strong portfolio are all good signs that a construction company has what it takes to ensure your project goes off without a hitch. However, how can you tell if you are making the right choice for your project?

How willing a company is to answer all your questions, no matter how small, is another excellent telltale of professionalism. It proves the expertise of the construction company.

So, if you are looking to hire a construction company and don’t know what to ask, here are some common questions you can ask before commencing any projects.

1. Why do you think you have what it takes to ensure all my construction needs are met?

If you plan on remodeling your property, you need to take your time and carefully select the company that’s right for you.

You probably have multiple options of contractors to choose from. These contractors are most likely saying they are the best at what they do. However, it’s not just about being the best; do they have what it takes?

First of all, any commercial construction company you are considering must have a license and good insurance. Furthermore, they should be well-known in your area, and they should also have good relationships with subcontractors and suppliers.

When you have established that they have all those features, ask them to talk to you about handling permits, adhering to building codes, and giving you a warranty for any work they do.

Lastly, they should be adaptable when it comes to communication and work style. The company of your choice must be able to work according to your preference. If they cannot, then they might not be the best option.

For example, if you want to receive weekly updates on your project via email and the contractor can only give you bi-weekly reports via text, this could be an issue.

2. Can I proceed with operations as you work during remodeling?

This is a major factor several companies consider because they can’t afford to stop operations during a remodel. Remember, commercial construction projects are huge undertakings and require time, and as time goes on without operations, you are losing money.

If a contractor can work on your project and let you run operations, then that’s a big selling point when weighing your options.

Keep in mind that being non-operational for a long time does not only affect your business short term. There is a possibility that you would lose loyal customers or even new long-term ones as you wait for your project to reach completion.

3. What is your management strategy when handling commercial construction projects?

Finally, whichever company you interview should be able to tell you how they manage projects and how they intend to handle yours. They need to inform you about what day-to-day operations would be like and how they plan on keeping your project running smoothly and within budget.

If a company cannot tell you the specifics of the process that goes on during their projects, then you are probably not right for you.


If you are looking for a company to handle your construction project, then you should consider us; we would love to work with you. We here at Astra Construction Management are one of the best commercial general contractors Calgary has to offer, and we also work throughout Alberta. Visit our website to find out more.

By – Profit Parrot

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