Virtual Training Labs, and How Do They Help in e-learning?
Virtual labs (or virtual labs for short) are an excellent way for students to practice in a safe online environment. With the help of virtual science lab games and engineering simulation software, students can interact with objects, machines, and interfaces before or instead of experimenting with them in real life. And during the pandemic, virtual lab courses have been a boon for CBSE online science classes.
Virtual training labs have many uses in education and the business environment. This article will shed some light on them and help you decide when and how to use virtual labs in your eLearning courses.
What Is a Virtual Training Lab?
A virtual lab is an on-screen simulator or calculator that allows you to test ideas and see results. Students use advanced technology to conduct experiments that produce authentic results.
For example, they can “play” with laboratory equipment that behaves similarly to a natural environment. Or they can run code and derive a learning aim from the results. In this way, a virtual lab becomes an essential addition to your virtual classroom. Virtual learning labs are not all about science. We usually picture a virtual chemistry lab game when we think of virtual labs for CBSE Online classes for 9th sciences to 12th grade.
How to Use a Virtual Training Lab?
Many Programming courses often use simulation tools to teach students how to code. But virtual labs are more comprehensive than CBSE online science and chemistry or biology. They can be special tools in many industries. In this case, virtual training labs have code editors and compilers built into HTML pages that allow learners to write quickly, edit, and run code within an eLearning course.
Web designers and developers can also receive help from these tools. They can apply to break changes or create new features in a secure web environment, test them, supply feedback, and then go to the live version of their product or website. In this way, they avoid disruptions to customers and product execution. Other industries that take the help of Virtual Labs for training include mechanical engineering and construction. You feel comfortable enough to take on real projects.
Virtual Labs vs Physical Labs
Traditional lab training can be dangerous or, in some cases, impossible. Nothing ever breaks here, so experiment! Let us see what the most significant efforts are when it comes to using physical labs for training. We usually picture a virtual chemistry lab game when we think of virtual labs for CBSE Online classes for 9th sciences to 12th grade.
Challenges in Traditional Laboratory
Education Limited or no access to physical labs: Students and staff may not always have access to a lab (e.g., due to pandemic social distancing guidelines due to limited ability).
Risk of Accidents
Experimenting with dangerous devices and substances is especially dangerous when students are inexperienced
Expensive Laboratory Equipment
Students are not allowed to experiment with modern and advanced machines as they often need a budget. Therefore, you are learning experience is incomplete.
Overcrowded Labs
Equipment and materials are limited. Not all students can play and experiment themselves—a low priority for learning. Companies can only afford equipment that is used specifically for training purposes. There is little or no time for learning when using machines and programs for actual work.
Lack of Commitment
Common limitations of physics labs (e.g., insufficient number of machines, outdated equipment, etc.) discourage students. If they cannot practice what they are learning in theory, it is harder to understand complex concepts. And stay motivated.
However, a virtual lab can address these challenges individually, offering many benefits. Here are some of them:
Benefits of Virtual Training Labs Cost Reduction
Buying a high-end simulator for good training is – and it is – expensive. However, buying multiple devices so employees can train in one place is more expensive. Also, keeping these devices costs more than keeping one platform.
Guarantee Safety
In a virtual lab, students can try all sorts of experiments in physics and chemistry without the risk of harming equipment or injuring themselves. You can also try different scenarios, compare them, and figure out which is the most effective without testing them in real life.
Create a Realistic Learning Experience
Students must often guess how a machine works, the result of a code, etc. They can also ignore limitations or errors in a natural working environment. Virtual labs help create a realistic learning environment, so students are fully educated and better prepared. And it is best for CBSE science online classes.
Build Student Confidence
Working with hazardous materials or running heavy machinery can be intimidating, especially for less experienced workers or employees. Please allow them to practice in an interactive, virtual lab environment before being exposed to actual working conditions.
Offer Blended Learning
Virtual training is not necessarily a replacement for traditional training; combined, they create an amplified learning experience. For example, blended learning. Involve students. In virtual laboratories, students can apply what they have learned in theory, experiment, and practice as often as they like. Instructors can assign projects and then hold follow-up sessions to discuss the results.
Engage Learners
Lectures and presentations can be demotivating for practical work such as chemical experiments or construction projects. However, you can motivate students by allowing them to try these techniques in a virtual lab.
CBSE science online classes can be done in physics, chemistry, and biology. Give unlimited time to experiment. Students can repeat the experiments as often as needed and practice at their own pace. Also, they can speed up the workout because they do not have to wait for some equipment to be available.
Explain complex concepts and procedures. Theory can be too abstract if you cannot see how it is applied in real life. But in virtual labs, students can play with the orbits of the planets, play with the global economy, or create a hybrid between two species. Virtual training labs can simulate any scale, complexity, or abstraction. Never worry about your children when they are sick and cannot attend classes; we supply the best CBSE classes for 9th science,10th,11th, and 12th.