Top 10 for Time Management in Children

Increasingly, individuals in our society are pressed for time. Routine becomes sacred for some, while others prefer not to plan their days at all. For young people, time is often very abstract, as you race against time. Whether it’s for hours of play at home, to supervise the homework period or any other time constraint that life imposes on you, these few tips could make it easier for your children to learn time management. By teaching them to management their time properly through family therapy near me, many tensions and moments of stress will disappear from their routine… and yours!
Raise awareness from a young age
First, a certain awareness is necessary to understand what time represents. When you say leave in 5 minutes, does your child understand what 5 minutes really means? Feel free to let your little ones play with a stopwatch or timer. Slowly, time will materialize for them, and it will have value by dint of timing the time it takes to complete different tasks. Talk to them regarding the time it needs to get to school or the time of their best-loved show.
Understanding that you can’t do everything at once is an important step. Explain to them, for example, that it is not possible to go to 2 birthday parties at the same time and that they must make a choice: select one of the two, leave one before to turn up at the other later, etc. In the longer term, creating a family timeline can be very interesting for noting significant events such as the year of his birth, that of a move, of starting school, of his first lost tooth, etc. A few photos and a roll of paper are all you require. This exercise will allow your children to have accessible landmarks in time.
Teach time management
Not everybody is born with the similar connection to time. Through these, as in any challenge, it is important to highlight the efforts that the child puts into it, as well as his successes, by giving him tips to improve the still problematic aspects (for example, putting an alarm to start preparing in advance). Exercises can become fun and light.
Different learning styles
Come to know learning style of your children to adjust their environment to their requirements. The time assigned to a particular task will then be much more effective. When it comes to studying, for example, some prefer to study in groups, others alone. Contrary to traditional belief, music and noises are not necessarily negative to concentration. Some people prefer to study in the kitchen for the comings and goings and noises, while others prefer quiet libraries. Music does not harm learning either, on the contrary, some audiological studies have noticed that when a person listens to music that they enjoy, they are more willing to learn. No musical genre would favor concentration more, it all depends on the style of the student. Also, some need to be called to order to work better. It is therefore by knowing each other that it becomes simpler to make an environment beneficial to work.
Choose the right organizing tool
Depending on the characteristics of each person, it is necessary to choose the tool that will be most useful for the child. A diary, a calendar? On the wall, on the smart phone, at the computer? It is to be seen according to his way of working. If there’s a lot of information to jot down each day, a diary would probably be best for visualizing the week. If the goal is to see the important points of each day, such as appointments, a calendar would be more appropriate to help with time management with the help of an ADHD therapist near me.
Utilize pictograms and symbols to create routines
The pictograms are very easy to use and generally have a very positive impact on children. They permit them not to ignore anything while encouraging their independence. Use them in the bathroom, for example, for brushing their teeth, showering, brushing their hair, etc. without you having to repeat it. Pictograms can also be used on clocks. You can make them yourself or with them!
Organize your ideas
When you have a ton of things to do, it often happens that you no longer know where to turn. To remedy this problem, writing down the tasks that concern us the most helps organize our thoughts. To determine the order of things to do, rank them according to the date you must have completed them, if not, according to your priorities. Determining a time in your week or day to complete tasks then becomes easier. These can be noted on small post- its to be handled and moved around in the diary more easily. For the more visual, divide the space of a card into 2 sections: “what needs to be done” and “what is done”. You will be able to move your post-its with pride when a task is completed and see what you have left to do. This exercise is extremely encouraging when it gets to little duties.
Self-discipline through mistakes
It’s not very pleasant to be told what to do and sometimes the responsibilities are difficult to assume. Since they must be intrinsic (come from within), it is sometimes necessary to experience the consequences of our actions to learn from our mistakes. It’s not always possible, but when it is, let the youngster’s experiment for themselves, it’s much more interesting for them. This is how they will understand to take over responsibility. When it gets to responsibility, parents are exceptionally crucial role models. Children learn much more by imitation hence the expression “The apple never falls far from the tree”.
- Physical activities, not to be left out
If you find your schedule too busy, you may be thinking about cutting back on your sports activities. Attention, these consist of a key element for the concentration. If you think you’re wasting your time training, you’re wrong. Physical activities allow your brain to focus better. If you haven’t already noticed, you’re more willing to learn and focus after you’ve expended energy. All your responsibilities will be more entertaining after a great dose of endorphins.
Eliminate opportunities for distractions
These days, many justify the presence of the phone on the desk by the fact that they work with their peers and have questions. For teamwork, promote calls instead of text messages to be more efficient and know that it is possible to stop receiving unnecessary conversation notifications that interfere with concentration thanks to your phone settings. Anything that distracts you should have no place in your workspace.
Synthesize learnings
Concluding a long period of study with a review of the main points is a great way to consolidate new knowledge. Highlighting important points can be done in different ways depending on the student’s learning style. The more visual can make a diagram to make connections between different concepts, the kinesthetic, explain to another person what they have learned and the more auditory, create acronyms, songs or listen to a recording of themselves- same that are explained the matter to revise, for example, in the bus.
In Short
These 10 tips for time management are good ways to teach your toddlers. And older children how to be efficient in their use of time. Whether it is to make the youngest aware of the concept of time or the oldest to use it effectively without procrastinating. These techniques are good for everyone, and time management becomes more precious with the years. Don’t forget to spend quality time with the ones you love, though. Because the best times are often when you lose track of time.