The benefits of swimming for the body and mind
.You don’t have to become a Michael Phelps to enjoy all the benefits swimming can provide.
1. Swimming improves blood circulation
2. The respiratory system also improves
3. With Swimming, Joints Don’t Suffer
4. Swimming loses weight
5. Swimming releases endorphins!
6. Swimming helps relieve stress
7. For toned arms and torso, front crawl and backstroke
8. Swim breaststroke and butterfly and conquer a magnificent body
9. Keep up with us!
Swimming is one of the best physical activities you can do because it is complete. It works all muscle groups, improves the respiratory and cardiovascular system, is kind to the joints… Ok, you’ve heard a thousand times that swimming is good for your health with Lifeguard training near me. However, if we’re hitting the same key, believe me, it’s for a good reason – in fact, for several good reasons.
1. Swimming improves blood circulation
Constant movement gives swimming the status of aerobic and endurance activity. This means that your heart, my friend, is in demand, which improves blood circulation, which in turn is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout the body
2. The respiratory system also improves
During swimming , the muscles responsible for the entry and exit of oxygen in the lungs (the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles) are worked and strengthened with Lifeguard training near me. Pulling in more air in a single breath optimizes lung function with Lifeguard training near me. Therefore, this sport is a great choice for asthmatics. Physical educator and athlete Marta Mitsui Izzo, from Bodynet (SP), reinforces: “With the pressure of the water, the horizontal position and humidity, there is a significant improvement in the asthmatic condition in three months, especially if it has a frequency of two to three months.” three times a week. It is a therapy that helps treatment with medication.”
3. With Swimming, Joints Don’t Suffer
Hello, reader with knee and ankle problems! Swimming is great for your joints because it exercises tendons and ligaments without impact and improves flexibility. In addition, it is excellent for psychosomatic diseases, improves balance and motor coordination and is great for those who have spinal problems because it does not exercise overload. Look, what a beauty!
4. Swimming loses weight
Definitely, swimming is slimming . The metabolism gives that accelerated, controlling the levels of sugar and fat in the blood. An hour of swimming can burn up to 500 calories, depending on duration, exercise intensity, and water temperature (the colder, the greater the caloric expenditure). It’s just not worth fooling around in food and going to training on an empty stomach. “It is always recommended to have a bottle of water or isotonic to drink. Many say that swimming from hunger, this happens, precisely because of the lack of hydration and food before. We should never practice swimming on an empty stomach, and we should consume something up to an hour beforehand”, explains Marta with Lifeguard training near me.
5. Swimming releases endorphins!
Want a dose of the pleasure hormone? Practice swimming ! After just a few minutes of exercise, endorphins start rushing through the body, causing a unique feeling of happiness.
6. Swimming helps relieve stress
There is research that reinforces that contact with water – whether in the pool or in the sea – is associated with fun, which reduces stress. A 2013 study by Speedo (the leading swimwear brand) showed that 92% of 4,120 respondents said they felt less stressed because of swimming with Lifeguard training near me. Just imagine falling into the water on a hot summer day? There is no worry that resists.
7. For toned arms and torso, front crawl and backstroke
The crawl and back strokes work arms and trunks. The first, pushing the water down and the second, keeping the body on the surface. Biceps, triceps, glutes, intercostals, abs and chest are the muscles strengthened in these styles.
8. Swim breaststroke and butterfly and conquer a magnificent body
In these types of swimming , you work your chest, biceps, triceps, and deltoids in the upper body, while in the lower body, the quadriceps are strengthened with Lifeguard training near me. The difference between these modalities and the two previous ones is the strength needed to perform the movement: breaststroke and butterfly need more energy.
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