Sustainable Summer Style
‘What this Summer brings to you depends to a great extent, on what you bring to the Summer.’ It’s a new beginning, a fresh start, and maybe a great opportunity to transform the lifestyle we’ve always lived with, to bring a change in our perceptions and those of others around us, for the betterment of the society and the Planet, as a whole. Whenever the topic of Environmental Conservation is brought into the picture, most people tend to neglect it, stating the old belief of the common man that the governments and agencies are solely responsible for the conservation of the planet and preservation of natural resources. This is what we need to change; this is the mentality that needs a transformation for the good of nature.
‘Nature is no one’s property to be destroyed, but everyone’s property to be protected.’ We, humans need to wake up and realize the need of the hour that lies in just one simple word- Sustainability. Sustainability deals with a way of living wherein natural resources are utilized judiciously for the fulfillment of the present needs along with having a kind consideration for the future generations and preserving the resources for their future needs. Sustainable Living tries to emphasize the judicious and wise usage of natural resources so as not to snatch away the rights of the future generations to use these for their requirements.
This summer, let’s take up specific small steps and actions that shall bring a positive transformation in our lifestyles while bringing a significant impact on the environment around us. Make an effort to incorporate sustainability into your everyday lifestyle, by following these simple yet smart ways-
Change your Habits
Bringing a change in your daily routine habits shall help to a greater extent, as your habits majorly determine your lifestyle and thus, the impact your actions have on your surroundings. Make it a habit to search for sustainable products of your need. It could relate to kitchen appliances, looking for renewable sources, personal use items, which turn out to be eco-friendly, or food products that are organically farmed.
Know More, Impact More
Get indulged in reading about sustainability as a way of living, it could be blogs, news articles, and much more interesting stuff. If you’re, however, not a guy who could engage in reading long articles, the choice you could make shall be podcasts about a sustainable lifestyle, short films, and songs.
Share it All
It’s never sufficient to keep the whole lot of knowledge you gather up, just to yourself. It’s always better to share it with the people around, express it all, so as to enhance your horizon. You could write up a short article, a blog, create a song, a video, or probably some reels, whatever way interests you, in order to promote this message of sustainable living among your groups.
Switch to Sustainable Fashion
The fashion sense of a person is what defines his personality and describes his character, and taking upon the trends is Eco Fashion. Such sustainably prepared clothes are manufactured using eco-friendly raw materials such as recycled polyester, organic cotton, etc, which on one hand, don’t cause much harm to the environment around them and on the other, accentuate your personality, giving you a modish and trendy look.
Learn to Say ‘No’
The things you’ve been using till now have become a vital and inevitable part of your lives. However, it’s significant to know about their harmful impacts on the environment. Items such as plastic, thermocol, and much more cause environmental pollution and thus, aren’t fit to be used. Learn to refuse the usage of such harmful substances for ecological conservation.
These might seem to be really small steps and could even appear to be quite insignificant for society. But, it’s important to learn that these small steps can bring bigger changes in society, and these minor transformations in your lifestyle can bring a significant evolution in the mindsets of the people around you. Thus, it becomes necessary on our part to take up such small steps, make ourselves aware of such environmental issues, and spread the word, in order to create awareness in society.