Home Improvement

Overcoming Electricity Crisis with Solar Power Solutions in India

Power is among the basic necessities for every household. In current times, India is facing an acute power crisis due to coal shortage. Coal stockpiles that generate nearly 70% of India’s electricity have dwindled to their lowest in decades, causing a nationwide power supply crisis. As electricity demand is projected to grow, power shortages could happen more frequently in years to come, if not addressed properly. 

So the questions arise: how did India become power deficit, and what is the way forward? How electricity generation and solar power solutions can help ensure a round-the-clock power supply? As we answer these questions, we trace the factors fueling power shortages and identify solutions that are reliable with a shift toward a more sustainable energy system.

Factors contributing to power shortages

Any shortage is a consequence of higher demand and shorter supply. One of the reasons can be improper management of energy regulators in the country. In addition, the early onset of summer, an upswing in temperatures and an increase in economic activities post-pandemic led to an upsurge in electricity demand. A hike in global coal prices also made it financially difficult for the country to import more fuel. Moreover, using solar products in India at home doesn’t suffice in meeting demands during peak hours to bridge the production gap. 

Solar Power- Towards Power Crisis Solution

Without a doubt, renewable energy is the way to go. Switching to renewable energy sources like Solar energy, Wind, Hydro, and Bioenergy can be used efficiently to avoid future power crises. Solar power is a renewable source of energy and has emerged as a great alternative to non-renewable sources of energy. With the right information and resources at hand, shifting to solar power solutions is a smart choice. 

Solar panels are used to generate solar electricity. Solar panels absorb sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) form of electricity. The DC electricity is transmitted through an inverter, which converts it from DC to alternating current (AC). Alternating current is the standard form of electricity used to run home appliances. Batteries are interconnected with the system to store the power for later use or during outages or at night. However, as we all know, the solar energy system extends beyond its panels. A solar energy system consists of solar panels, solar inverter(s), solar battery and solar accessories. 

Read More: Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Solar Panels

Solar panels are a critical component of solar power systems, but the battery is an equally important part. Choosing efficient batteries is equally important as buying a good solar panel. Solar batteries come in different technologies, including normal inverter battery, lithium inverter battery, and solar inverter battery

Types of Solar System

To achieve energy independence, you should select and install a solar system that is most appropriate for your home’s needs. There are three types of solar systems, on-grid, off-grid and hybrid solar systems. 

An off-grid solar system includes a combination of solar panels and solar inverters, as well as batteries. An on-grid solar system consists of only solar panels and a solar inverter. Unlike off-grid systems, on-grid systems do not have batteries to store excess energy generated during the day. A hybrid solar system combines the benefits of both on-grid and off-grid systems. It provides both the benefits of net metering, a method by which consumers sell their excess power back to the grid, and a battery backup. 

Towards A Long-Term Solution

A long-term solution to replacing fossil fuels with renewable sources would be to diversify the energy mix and choose a healthy blend of coal and clean energy sources. However, until a long-term solution is found, it makes sense for the country to rely primarily on domestic coal production and solar power solutions to meet its power demands in the short- to mid-term. Switching to solar is surely the most appropriate, cost-effective way to deal with such a power crisis.

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