Health and Fitness

Important tips for Vitamin C

Vitamin C

You might have heard many times that Vitamin C is very important for your body? But you will be amazed to see how important it actually is for our bodies. In this blog, we’ll try to figure out why it is actually so important for us to maintain a  healthy body.



It is a water-soluble vitamin, which means it cannot be stored in the body and must be obtained daily. Humans, unlike other animals, cannot produce vitamin C, making it a vital nutrient.

It is a powerful antioxidant that keeps the immune system functioning properly. As a result of its shape, it can easily transfer electrons to protect other molecules in the body from harmful oxidants. Such as pollution and chemicals, and help glutathione and vitamin E regenerate. Our leukocytes, or white blood cells that fight illness, have a significant level of vitamin C in them. These cells can be fully saturated (i.e., establish a powerful immune system) with daily doses of at least 100mg.


It also helps fight respiratory infections as well. Vitamin C was found to speed the healing of patients with acute respiratory infections (such as pneumonia and tuberculosis). A daily dose of 200mg or more is useful in reducing the severity and length of the common cold. Doesn’t it make sense now why we crave orange juice when we’re sick?

Some Extra Benefits


Besides immunity, vitamin C contributes to the production of collagen(protein), which is essential to the function of our skin, tendons, connective tissues, bones, and cartilage. But its role in tissue development is more than simply structural. Vit. C plays a crucial role in wound healing because it is abundant in our skin.


In addition, it contributes to the transport of fatty acids, the production of catecholamine hormones (norepinephrine and vasopressin), and the improved absorption of nonheme iron (a form of iron commonly found in plants). As you can see, it serves a variety of functions in our bodies. So, how can we make sure we get enough of it in our diet? Don’t worry we have got you covered, here is some food containing the highly required vitamin we are talking about.



  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit
  • Kiwi
  • Broccoli
  • Strawberries
  • sprouts from Brussels
  • Potatoes
  • Tomatoes
  • peppers, green




Vitamin C needs to be kept at a minimum to keep away from illnesses like scurvy. If you eat an orange every day, you will be able to prevent the sickness from starting. However, for most people, the goal is to keep a wholesome physique as properly as keep away from sickness. For most people, 100-200mg a day is adequate to preserve them healthful and robust.


Individuals who are extraordinarily active, have a chronic illness, are old, smoke, or are pregnant or breastfeeding have greater dietary needs. People who smoke are counseled to ingest an extra 35 mg of Vit. C every day to fight the oxidative harm triggered through cigarettes and nicotine. To enhance recovery and training adaptations, athletes must ingest around 200mg per day.


Signs of Deficiency


Swollen/bleeding gums, Fatigue, Loss of hair, and ineffective wound healing are all signs of Vitamin C. Its insufficiency is the fourth most common micronutrient deficiency in the United States. Daily intakes are required as it has low storage capacity, and many people do not consume enough fruits and vegetables to fulfill recommended intakes. Sedentary habits, which result in the improvement of metabolic ailments like Type 2 diabetes, additionally boost the threat of not unusual place infections. Increased intake is necessary for these situations.




Vitamin C is available as an oral supplement in cases of emergency in intravenous injection. The most prevalent form of vitamin C is ascorbic acid. While alternative kinds may exist, no research has yet proven that one is preferable to the other.


Ascorbic acid, either natural or artificial, has the same chemical composition. However, herbal sources which are richer in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals are the subject of extensive dispute as to whether they are more beneficial. In the animal and human models, studies have yielded inconsistent results in regards to the absorption of dietary and synthetic nutrition C. It has been shown that the bioavailability of food-based and synthetic nutrition C has become related in most animal trials.


Absorption of diet C drops to less than 50% when dosages of 1000 mg or more are consumed. Overdosing on iron can result in gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea, along with more critical conditions such as kidney stones and iron overload. There is no need to take this dose when consuming diet C variations because poisoning from food is extremely rare.




In this blog, we have talked about the importance of vitamin C, the sources we can consume it from, signs of its deficiency and we require additional supplements to maintain its requirement in our body. Please feel free to share your thoughts on this topic.

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