
How to prepare yourself for the first driving lesson

Getting ready for the first driving lesson is the most exciting thing for most people, and as the day nears, many of them will have thoughts on how to appear for the first driving class. That moment where you first place your hand on the steering should be memorable, and to make it that way, you should plan to attend your first driving lesson without stressing it throughout. We give your professional and committed driving classes with our instructors in every way possible, being one of the best driving schools in Hyderabad. You can also find the best driving schools near you with our help.  

By following the steps below, you can quickly attend your first driving class.  

Things you should bring for your first driving session  

As this is your first driving session, the things to bring should be comfortable and convenient for you to use them. They should make your driving sessions easy. Here are some of the things taht you need to have before attending your driving class  

  • Comfortable non-slip shoes  
  • Glasse if you think you need them  
  • Cash  
  • Your provision license  
  • Water bottle  

You need to have these minimum things before attending your driving sessions.  

You should be ready before your first driving session.  

While attending your first driving session, make sure that you will be on time with everything prepared without getting in a hurry burry in the last minute as you can forget an essential thing if you do so. It’s true that your driving instructors will ring your doorbell, and some will wait for you until you come, but it is always beneficial to be on time as it’s your time and hard-earned money.   

You do not have to worry for the first few days of your driving lessons as you would be given the passenger seat and not the driving seat right away.  

The drill sessions  

You might be driving on the roads with traffic, but sometimes your driver might give you the driver’s seat when you come across a quiet street r calm road with less or no traffic. That is a great experience, and at this point, your instructor will give a cockpit drill on what you check you need to do before driving. Listen to these instructions carefully, as you will be doing these instinctively once you finish your driving sessions.  

Some points of the cockpit drill are as follows  

  • Are doors appropriately closed?  
  • Is the seat in a comfortable place?  
  • Are seatbelts on?  
  • Mirrors adjusted?  
  • Steering position set?  

Close attention to controls  

After the checking, the instructor teaches you about gears, clutches and accelerators. These are the essential things and the driving forces to drive safely. Do not feel anxious, though, as the instructor will not expect you to work on these aspects right away. So, be relaxed and try to figure things out slowly.  

Once you are done with the instructors, before getting your hands in the driving, ask your doubts and get clarity twice on the controls, if any. Your instructor will guide you throughout your drive and comes into action if you are in trouble.  

Two hours is the ideal time for your first drive involving both instructing and learning on your own. You just need to focus and act all the way.   

Your time to drive  

Now the instructions and trails got finished, you are all set to drive, and it’s your first time to drive; the instructor will guide you with a few procedures like  

  • Getting ready to use the gears  
  • Learning well about the clutch and the accelerators  
  • Have a check on your mirrors and blind spot  
  • Learning to signal with your indicator  
  • Gear changing  
  • Curbside parking  
  • Stopping the car and managing the clutch and the brake  

At first, it may seem like a lot to remember and put into action but focus and relax as the instructor will always have their own set of controls to move forward safely even if you lose control while driving.  

Post driving sessions  

Once your driving session finishes, your instructor will drop you home. Don’t forget to thank him and share your experience with your first driving session. Feel free to ask and clarify any doubts you have, and also make sure that you would have 3-4 driving classes weekly to get a good hold of the driving sessions. Some driving instructors will provide discounts for the same time slots every day, so enquire about that and book slots accordingly. Do not feel tense, and don’t be in a hurry. Your first driving class has finished, so revise it once you go home and recollect the instructions. Prepare yourself for the next driving session with little flexibility and freeness than the first one. Even if you are tense, no worries as the instructor sit right beside taking you through the roads carefully.  

Practice outside your driving classes  

Once you are well habituated to driving, keep it in mind to practice the same after the driving sessions to know your capabilities. Drive on the quiet, safe roads as you are still new to the practice.   


Driving is still a fascination for most people, and by making yourself ready with the steps mentioned above, you can go through Driving Training Centre quickly.  

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