
How to Generate Better Reviews with Gamification?

Are you looking for ways to generate more reviews from your happy customers? Well, Gamification can be your one-stop solution.

Gamification takes inspiration from games. It is a combination of fun, entertainment, transparency, design, and competition. This process applies this inspiration to real-world processes like offering perfect services and getting reviews for them. Marketers use gamification to boost user engagement, keep them attracted, and influence them by offering small incentives in the form of points, coupons, rewards, etc.

These simple, easy, and satisfying gaming elements in the strategies are what encourage users to leave more detailed reviews. It is the best for your potential clients as they get to see your true side, with unfiltered content from existing users. With gamification, you can see a significant improvement in your reviews as they are more detailed, and might include images as well. 

For brands, it’s an even bigger win. Instead of collecting a few one-liner reviews, you are now capable of collecting hundreds of reviews with images and more detailed information. It makes the reviews more influential and impactful. You can improve your conversion rates and sales as a result.

What is Gamification?

As the name suggests, it is the inclusion of games in a real-life process in order to boost your success and overall brand performance. Since the idea of gamification, the business world has been widely using this technique to get more and more reviews from satisfied users. Many brands now have the power to improve how they engage with their customers.

This is a deeper and more complicated concept than we think. It goes beyond adding colors, graphics, etc. to your review strategy. But if done correctly, you hold the potential to make the feedback process easier, more interesting, and more engaging.

Properly implemented gamification techniques can get more accurate reviews from customers, it hits their emotional spots and allows people to write instinctively.

How to get more reviews with gamification?

To accurately use and implement this concept in your customer feedback strategies, you need to run campaigns that focus on these 4 aspects.

1. Use the On-site Upload feature

There are multiple third-party review platforms like Taggbox that help you aggregate reviews from multiple sites like Yelp, Google, Airbnb, Facebook etc. you can then create a widget and repurpose them to offer authenticity. 

One such gamification element is an on-site visual uploads feature. This feature helps users get easy access to upload UGC directly on the website. It makes the review process easier and further motivates users to post more reviews in the form of text, videos, photos, etc. 

2. Start with customer experience 

Speaking of customer experience, the first rule is to keep it simple and easy especially while gamifying it. Many people use their mobile devices to connect with brands, so it’s important to make the feedback process mobile friendly. 

3. It is not a video game 

Gamification is not about creating a complicated animation and filling the entire screen with colors. The emphasis needs to be on keeping it subtle and classy. Your main goal is to make it easier for users to leave a review. 

Ask yourself, does this process make it enjoyable or harder for the users? If the answer is harder, then you need to plan it again. 

4. Be playful

What is gamification? Well, it is the concept of adding fun and playfulness to your processes. This does not require complex infographics you might not require any graphics at all. You can simply hit the users’ competitive instincts with wordplay. 

Ask them to compare your brand to other established brands rather than giving them a linear scale to answer. This will not only improve user engagement but also give you qualitative feedback.

5. Reward your reviewers

People appreciate freebies, especially when it comes to doing nothing. So, give it to them. Offer them coupons, or any small incentive as a result of their valuable feedback. Other rewards could include as small as improving their image in the online community. You can offer them higher privileges, or share the overall results with them.

Display how their unfiltered, authentic, and informative feedback helped the brand more than the expert content. Gamification can deliver more benefits like an improved collection of insights, better customer journeys, and much more.


In this constantly growing digital world, it is becoming more difficult to get reviews. People are impatient and do not usually pay too much attention to this. Through gamification, you can not only grab their attention but also get better and more accurate reviews from your customers.

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