
How iOS App Development Differs from Android App Development?

This article compares the difference between Android and iOS app development across 10 categories to understand the fundamental changes and determine the most suitable operating system platform to build an app for your business. So let’s dive into:

  1. Development Of Language

Java is applied to Android-based applications at build time. It requires a lot of code to write. Swift has created a new language for developing iOS-based apps. Coding in Swift is very fast compared to Java. Java engineers need more time to code compared to Swift. Swift first came out in 2014, and writing less code makes apps faster.

Java – There is a potential alternative to the Kotlin coding language, fully functional with Java. It is designed to enhance the Java language: natural and easy to read. And also, Kotlin is now considered the primary language for building an Android app.

  1. Availability Of An Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

The engineers used the Eclipse tool as a Google-backed application development environment. Then Google released the studio, and all the engineers started using it because of its incredible capabilities: cross-platform, easy packaging, large-scale functionality, and heavy debugging.

Best IOS App Developers use XCode when developing Apple-based iOS applications. Creating amazing apps for Mac / iPhone / iPad devices is a very productive environment. It is also possible to find bugs/mistakes in syntax and logic and fix the code.

  1. Design Philosophy

You can read below the design principles to take into account when designing an app:

Screen sizes and resolutions. Apple-supported iOS devices have two screen sizes (iPhone / iPad), more than three resolutions for iPhone, and some for iPad. The resolution of the iPhone 4 is also used for the iPad. Meanwhile, Android’s Google-backed devices have much higher screen sizes, leading to a wider range of screen resolutions.

Navigation. The navigation bar on Android-based devices is positioned on the left, while the navigation bar on iOS is toggled. Android prefers multi-color icons, while iOS keeps its navigation icons blue or grey by default.

Menu. Google-backed devices prefer to have a drawer menu or side menu/hamburger, which is usually located on the left after the tap and pull gesture, while iOS prefers its tab bar, which is usually located at the bottom, with Relatively easy access to hidden menu icons. The hamburger menu is widely used on iOS-based devices, but you have to customize it.

Alerts and popups. These tabs appear suddenly and require quick action. So there are some minor differences in alerts and popups. Android users should submit an action to bypass the alerts for Apple users by clicking “Accept / Disallow” or “Allow / Disallow”. There are two types of alerts for iOS devices: the alert and the action sheet. They look identical, and their functionality is the same, but the action sheet applies if it requires more than two actions (including cancellation).

Phone button on the back. There is no real-time back button on the Apple-backed platform, but Google-backed order users can go back to the previous page they opened before. iPhone users can use the top left button to return to previous screens hierarchically without navigating through the entire app.

  1. Hearing

Demographic data can provide more useful information about Android / iOS device users. This is the real letter to investigate. The Google-backed platform now has the largest global platform share.

  1. Demography

Apple users, women, media/marketing/business 35+ years of industry work, average annual income of 200K. Android users, men, 18-34 years, IT/ Energy and utility job, his average annual income of $100.

  1. Monetization strategy

When considering the operating system platform to build your app, keep in mind the following factor that is most important to the majority of your audience. While Apple users focus primarily on purchases, Android users rely mostly on ad-supported apps.

Downloads in the Apple Store and Google Play have reached almost 26 billion worldwide in the two main stores. App revenue reached a record of more than 16,000 million dollars. According to Statista research, Google Play ranked first in the third quarter of 2017, with its downloads increasing by 10% compared to 2016. Meanwhile, the growth of downloads from iOS-based devices increased by 8%.

Consumer spending around the world continues to rise. In the third quarter of 2016, revenue from Android-based apps and the Apple Store reached more than $16 billion, up 28% from the previous year. In the third quarter of 2017, consumer spending on iOS was more than double that on Google Play. But both stores have reached record levels of consumer spending, with a year-over-year growth rate of 25 per cent.

  1. Complexity of development

The difference between iOS and Android in coding languages ​​is not that complicated compared to OS fragmentation. Apple has a limited number of devices (iPhone/iPod/iPad) running iOS, while Android-powered devices have a wide range of systems running on the devices.

As a result, building Android-based Gears is more complex and slowed down due to a larger range of operating systems, with a narrower OS range than iOS-powered Gears.

Android gears have different screen sizes. This must be taken into account when developing. The same goes for systems that work on devices that must be considered when creating a mobile app.

  1. The speed of development

Based on the above paragraph, building a platform based on Android is slower and more time-consuming in terms of OS fragmentation. Engineers take 30-40% longer to build a mobile app on Android than on iOS. This is despite the lack of very complex Java/Kotlin languages.

  1. Development cost

To define how much it costs to create an application based on the business’s needs and requirements, you must first decide on the platform, select the dev team, and approximate it. Keep in mind that the cost of developing an app depends on the time it takes to build it.

The truth is that the longer the application takes, the higher its cost. We recommend reading how much it costs to create an app like Uber or Snapchat. These articles will help you understand how this usually happens.

  1. Expansion speed

The approval or review process for Android-based apps published on Google Play takes less time than for iOS-based apps to enter the Apple Store. The reason is that Android-based apps are verified with automated tests, while iOS apps require personal verification by experts (on average 7 days).

Google allows the best ios app developers to submit a few bugs and multiple versions in one day. Android engineers should be careful not to publish the buggy app when there is a risk that the iOS app will be rejected after waiting too long.

  1. Market share

Operating systems used in various devices such as smartphones, PDAs, and tablets allow these devices to run applications and programs, thus providing advanced functions to mobile devices. Android, backed by Google, and iOS, backed by Apple, are the complete operating systems (OS) in the smartphone industry. In 2016 alone, nearly 1.5 billion Android or iOS-based phones were sold to end-users worldwide.

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