Stress is one of the most common troubles in our lives. It can be caused by many reasons, but stress is nothing but an emotion that affects your mind and body. When you feel stressed, it means you have too much work or pressure on you at any given time and this makes it difficult for you to relax and sleep well at night. Fortunately, there are ways that can help reduce stress in your life. Here we discuss some important Impact of Holy Quran.
1. Always Say Alhamdulillah:
The meaning of alhamdulillah is “thanks be to God.” It’s an expression that expresses gratitude and appreciation for everything in life. When you say it, you send a message to yourself and others that you are thankful for what you have and how lucky they are to be alive on this earth with all its riches, beauty, joys, and sorrows—and especially the right stuff within themselves!
2. Belief in the Hereafter:
The second way to get rid of stress is by believing in the Hereafter. This is one of the ways that help you to be patient and have hope for a better life after death. It also helps you to be grateful for what you have today, as well as be thankful for what others have done for your benefit.
Believing in Allah (swt) is something that every Muslim should do because it will help him/her avoid unnecessary troubles, misfortunes, griefs, and tribulations during their lifetime on earth.
3. Establish Salah:
Establishing Salah is a must for every Muslim. According to Islam, it is the second pillar of faith. The reward for establishing Salah can be seen in the hereafter and it helps with the removal of sins committed by people in this world. It also helps them lead a good life on Earth by offering prayers on time and keeping themselves busy with other activities like reading Quran or studying Islamic sciences such as Hadith (traditions).
4. Give Zakah and Charity:
- Zakah is the third pillar of Islam.
- Zakah is a form of alms-giving, which can be made in money or kind. The amount that must be given depends on your financial situation and piety.
- You may think that giving to charity will not help you feel better because it’s only temporary relief and not a long-term solution to stress problems, but this isn’t true! Giving charity helps restore peace within yourself by opening up your heart to others who may be in need of assistance too (and vice versa).
5. Fast Regularly:
Fasting can be a way to get closer to Allah. It helps you learn self-control, see the difference between what you need and what you want, and feel more empathy for others.
Fasting is often used as a means of purification (tahara), but it also has other benefits: fasting can help make one more aware of their own shortcomings so that they are able to improve themselves over time; it also helps them appreciate how important it is for every human being on this Earth (not just Muslims) to have enough food on their plate every day—even if that means eating less than usual!
6. Make Dua and Supplicate to Allah SWT often:
Dua is asking Allah SWT for help and goodness. It can be made in several ways, but the most common way is by reciting a surah (chapter) of the Qur’an or saying some form of supplication to Allah SWT.
In addition to dua, it’s important to do good deeds that will benefit yourself or others. If you are able, try doing some charity work as well!
7. Make efforts to be good in everything you do,no matter how small the act is!
The seventh step to getting rid of stress is to make efforts to be good in everything you do, no matter how small the act is! Stay away from sins and bad deeds, even if they seem small and meaningless.
You can Learn Quranic Recitation and read Quran regularly and make dua to Allah SWT for your success in all areas of life.
8. Reduce watching TV and turn off your mobile phone or
- During salah, you should not watch TV or listen to music.
- You should not use your mobile phone during the time of fasting.
- Any other gadget that can disturb your concentration in worshiping ALLAH SWT or your household chores, etc.
- When reading Quran and hadith online, it is recommended that you do so in a quiet place where there is little disturbance from outside sources such as traffic noise or noise from other people’s conversations.
9. Read Quran regularly with its translation
- Read Quran regularly with its translation into simple English (or the language you speak) to understand its meanings and try to apply them in daily life.
- We recommend you to read short surahs of the Quran as much as you can because this helps remove stress immediately after reading it as we have personally experienced it many times before making this website!
We believe that these are ways of getting rid of stress as taught by Prophet Muhammad PBUH in Islam.
These acts will help us to get rid of our worries and make us more peaceful with ourselves. The first one is we have to believe in the hereafter so that when we die. We don’t worry about anything else except for the Hereafter. Where all your needs will be provided for you. We should also establish salah regularly because it helps us focus on Allah SWT and gives us strength to overcome any challenge or difficulty that comes our way.
Secondly, giving zakah and charity regularly also helps people who need it most such as poor people or orphans, etc.
Thirdly fasting regularly keeps our body healthy which helps us think clearly. When there’s a lot going on around us at once like during exams or meetings, etc.
Fourthly making dua (supplicating) often makes sure whatever problems. We’re facing can be solved easily by asking Allah SWT directly through verses from Quran.”
We have tried to show you the best ways of getting rid of stress in Islam, but you should also know that there are many other ways and methods available. The most important thing is to follow what your heart tells you is right and do the things that benefit you in the long run.