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How AI/ML Will Impact iOS App Development In 2023?

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have transformed the mobile app development industry in several dramatic ways. Especially iOS, which has been one step ahead in taking advantage of AI/ML technology. 

Whether it is to create automated features or AI-based voice assistance, understand user behavior, or provide personalized UX. iOS developers are using AI/ML to create innovative and next-gen features for iOS and iPhone apps. Hence, with this increased usage, it is worth knowing how AI/ML will impact iOS app development in 2023. In today’s post, we will discuss this topic. 

But before that, 

What is meant by AI and ML?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are computational programming that is used to create advanced or complex-level algorithms in software, web, or mobile applications. They both are different but serve the same purpose-to empower a system or application with automated or innovative functionalities or features. 

How AI and ML are used in iOS app development?

AI and ML allow developers to create tailored functionality which is generally not possible by other technologies. They are used in various ways to increase the performance, efficiency, and scalability of mobile apps. 

For example, an iOS app development company uses AI algorithms for product recommendation functionality in e-commerce mobile apps. Similarly, ML is also used to create automated functionality for product buying suggestions for helping users with predictability. 

At present, Apple is constantly introducing innovative features in its iPhone devices. From voice command to robust biometric user authentic process. The use of AI/ML in iOS app development is acquiring a fast pace. Therefore, businesses now look to hire iOS app developers to create advanced features in their iPhone apps. 

Impact of AI/ML on iOS app development in 2023

As we discuss AI/ML empowers iOS developers to create advanced features for iOS and iPhone apps, this increased usage of AI/ML in iOS app development is expected to reach new heights in 2023. Here are the reasons below that show how Artificial intelligence and machine learning will impact this iOS market in the upcoming year. 

1. Enhanced user experience

User experience is one of the most influential factors in determining the success of a mobile app. Today, businesses focus on providing personalized user experiences to their customers to drive maximum engagement. 

AI and ML here help developers to enhance their user experience in apps. Especially iPhone users who are generally fastidious and expect high-standard app experience. Apple has recently released new features in its ML SDK. 

These updates empower iOS developers to add more AI and ML-based algorithms in iOS app development and improve UX standards. Hence, in the upcoming year, Apple’s dedicated SDK will empower developers to enhance the user experience in their iOS apps. 

2. Automation

This is one of the major advantages of using AI or ML in app development. With the help of machine learning and artificial intelligence, developers easily create automated functionalities in their apps. For example, AI is used in voice assistance apps to create voice-detecting functionality. 

ML is used to process heavy-size traffic information in taxi booking apps. In iOS app development, the scope for automation is increasing significantly due to the rapid adoption of automated features. This shift in user behavior has increased the scope for AI/ML integration in iOS apps for developing automation features in iOS and iPhone apps. 

3. Better user behavior analysis

Analyzing user behavior is very important for business. It helps them to make a well-informed decision and create a better strategy. For eCommerce, it matters a lot. Many companies which run their online stores through iOS apps are now working on developing more intelligent functionalities that accurately understand user behavior. 

They use AI to get real-time data about users in various aspects. iOS developers implement AI and ML-based algorithms to classify data into different categories and accurately evaluate their user behavior. And this usage will continue to grow in 2023 as well since the need for understanding user behavior is increasing substantially these days. 

4. Boost user engagement

User engagement plays an important role in making a mobile app successful and generating good revenues. The more an app holds engaging features the higher chance it gets to convert visitors into paying customers. Especially Apple users who are known for paying high money for using premium features in iOS apps. 

The need for developing engaging features is rising significantly. iOS developers are using AI and ML to create intuitive UI elements and animations in iOS apps that enhance user engagement. And this usage will continue to grow in 2023 due to the increasing need for improving user engagement in iOS mobile apps. 

5. Robust security

Security is today’s most important concern for mobile users. Particularly Apple users, who are very concerned for their data security and privacy. With the growing need for strong security features in iOS apps, app owners will tend to use AI and ML to create robust security features. 

AI and ML help developers in developing strong security algorithms to protect data and user privacy which is mostly sought in iOS app development. Therefore, in the upcoming year, AI and ML will leave a big impact in terms of security and privacy. 


AI and ML both are highly powerful and intelligent computer programming techniques. They empower a system or application with advanced features to work more efficiently and intelligently. Apple is constantly bringing innovations to its iPhone and other devices. 

This has led to an increase in the scope of integrating AI and ML in iOS app development in 2023. But since AI and ML are advanced and complex technology, to ensure you successfully utilize them in your app, you should look for professional iOS app development services specifically for this purpose.

About the Author

The author is an iOS developer at MobileCoderz-a worldwide reputed web and mobile app development company that provides best-in-class mobile app solutions to start-ups and global businesses. She has more than 5 years of experience in iOS app development. She is an expert in using Apple’s ML Code SDK and Swift programming to build advanced iOS apps. 

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