
Hearing Aids: The Value They Bring To Singapore’s Aging Population

You are not alone if you recently learned that you have presbycusis, a medical term for age-related hearing loss. Around one-third of people between the ages of 65 and 70 have some hearing loss, according to data from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Nearly half of all persons aged 75 and older have hearing loss. As a result, the need for quality hearing aids Singapore is increasing, as an increasing number of senior citizens suffer from hearing loss. 


Never ignore hearing loss as you get older. 


Hearing loss is not “simply part of getting older,” as is commonly believed. Similar to vision, hearing is a critical brain activity. Untreated hearing loss, even mild, can lead to auditory deprivation. 


Healthy hearing equals a healthy brain.

Why does this occur? 


Deterioration in the inner ear and throughout the nerve pathways to the brain might affect our hearing as we age. Most of the time, these changes are linked to the health of the tiny hair cells that help in hearing in the inner ear. Our ears pick up sound waves, which these hair cells translate into electrical impulses that the brain can recognise as sound. 


Since hair cells cannot grow back or renew, any hearing loss we experience due to this harm is permanent.


How does it affect my hearing?


Age-related hearing loss (ARHL) frequently happens gradually over a long period. It often affects both ears simultaneously and frequently results in high-frequency hearing loss, which makes higher-pitched sounds more challenging to hear (known as “bilateral hearing loss”). 


As a result, words like “that” and “sat” sound identical when you hear someone speak, making it difficult to discern between different consonants.


Types of presbycusis 


One of the most prevalent forms of sensorineural hearing loss is presbycusis, which indicates that hearing loss is linked to the degeneration of inner ear cells or nerve routes to the brain. 


A person may have more than one kind of presbycusis; there are a few less prevalent variants with somewhat different symptoms and onset times. Canadian Hearing Services claims: 


  • Metabolic presbycusis is a reduction of blood supply in the inner ear.
  • Mechanical presbycusis is the thickening of the tissues within the inner ear.
  • Mixed presbycusis is a combination of any of these.
  • Indeterminate presbycusis is the term when a cause can be determined — and it’s the most common.


Will I lose my hearing as I get older?


Your medical history, genetic makeup, and the amount of noise you have been exposed to all play a significant role in this. A gun enthusiast runs a lot more risk than a gardener does. Due to their work, veterans may be more susceptible to hearing loss (and tinnitus) as they age. Several factors, including frequently inducing presbycusis


  • Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Prolonged exposure to excessive noise at work, home or leisure activities can cause this hearing loss. This is by far the most significant risk factor!
  • Did your parents have hearing loss? You may have inherited that tendency, too.
  • Certain medical conditions affect the blood supply to the middle ear, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and other circulatory problems. Some women may experience hearing loss after menopause or notice increased tinnitus.
  • Ototoxic medications are drugs that can affect hearing. For example, toxic side effects of certain medications, such as aspirin and antibiotics, can negatively affect your hearing. Older adults are more likely to take medication and experience side effects than younger adults.


What are the symptoms of hearing loss in old age?


Since presbycusis develops gradually, many people are unaware they are experiencing hearing loss. The following signs of presbycusis may be present in elderly people who have hearing issues:


  • Other folks appear to be stuttering or mumbling their words. You discover that you can hear but not comprehend, in other words. 
  • Understanding conversations can be challenging, especially when there is background noise. 
  • Some noises appear too obnoxious or loud. 
  • You have trouble hearing noises of a higher pitch, such the phone ringing or birds tweeting (hearing aids are great for birders) 
  • Women’s and children’s voices are more challenging to comprehend than men’s. 
  • You have tinnitus, a persistent ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound in one or both of your ears.


How is age-related hearing loss identified? 


If any of the symptoms we’ve identified are affecting your hearing, schedule a consultation with a hearing healthcare professional as soon as possible for a hearing assessment. This evaluation’s results will help determine the cause, degree, and best course of action for dealing with your hearing loss.


Is there a cure for presbycusis?


You can always use hearing aids. 


This type of sensorineural hearing loss has no cure. Fortunately, most cases of sensorineural hearing loss may be managed. A reminder that people in their 80s, 90s, and beyond can use hearing aids: there is no maximum age limit.


  • Hearing devices. Hearing aids may be helpful for those with mild to severe hearing loss. A hearing healthcare specialist will prescribe the kind and style of hearing aid based on the degree of your hearing loss, your lifestyle choices, and your budget after conducting a complete hearing evaluation.


How to get help for presbycusis


Get your hearing checked, and if it’s determined that you have hearing loss, follow the recommended treatment plans. Please find a list of nearby hearing healthcare professionals as well as verified patient reviews by visiting our directory of hearing clinics. 


Article published by Eco Postings 

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