
Complete Retail Software Solution

Automate your Retail Store, Mart, Manufacturing, Restaurant, Bakery, Salon, Pharmacy, Boutique, Sales, Accounting, Inventory and FBR POS integration with Best retail Software in Pakistan.

Robotize your Retail location, Store, Assembling, Eatery, Pastry kitchen, Salon, Drug store, Shop, Deals, Bookkeeping, Stock and FBR POS mix with Retail Software Solution in Pakistan

Best POS and ERP Arrangement Supplier in Pakistan

Dispose of manual administrative work while XStak Retail Software Solution in Pakistan and Stock Administration Framework in Karachi, Lahore Islamabad and all over Pakistan plays out every one of the fundamental assignments for your business. Whether it be stock computations, deals, buy, costs, client record, provider record, everyday benefit estimations, XStak POS does everything. While Business The executives Suite is running despite your good faith, you can unwind and zero in additional on your business.

Why pick XStak Business The executives?

XStak Business The executives Suite helps entrepreneurs to remain unwind from everyday business exercises as framework oversees and robotizes all undertakings admirably. This way entrepreneurs can invest more energy in business improvement as opposed to drawing in themselves in business activities.

Soar your Deals

Support up your business up to 200% with strong deals highlights like a single tick checkout, split-installments, various limits, multi-installment types, commission specialists and then some. Decrease checkout time no sweat to your clients. XStak Business The board ERP naturally keeps up with client records, stock count, installment accounts, monetary records and expense mixes.

  • Examine things with Standardized tags
  • Numerous Installment Types
  • Rebate Advancements
  • Steadfastness Card (CRM)
  • Charge Incorporations
  • Money, Stock and Administrative center

With the top Business The executives and Retail location arrangement and best bookkeeping programming in Pakistan, you can follow utilization, screen changes in unit Rupee costs, ascertain when you really want to reorder, and dissect stock levels on a thing by-thing premise. POS programming records every deal when it works out, so your stock records are dependably modern. Dispose of manual ‘Khaata’ while XStak deals with all the bookkeeping obstacles for your business. Allow it to be Buy DayBook, General Record, Preliminary Equilibrium, Duties, Provider Record, General DayBook, Banks Rundown, XStak Shrewd POS oversees everything.

  • Monetary Bookkeeping
  • Advance Stock Administration
  • Numerous Business/Stock Areas
  • Producing
  • Commission Specialists

Deal The board

Brilliant and intuitive Cash register (POS) to enroll deals. Standardized identification scanners can likewise be utilized to make process simpler.

Stock Administration

Deal with your stock without any problem. You can classify them, move them among distribution center and store, produce reports.

Bookkeeping Arrangement

Let XStak POS deals with all the bookkeeping obstacles for your store business, don’t bother employing additional asset.

Reports The board

You can cut up deals information in various ways of figuring out the thing items are selling best utilizing Intelligent Reports.

Multi-Stock Areas

Worn out on dealing with your stock in racks available/distribution center/dispensaries. Let XStak Brilliant POS oversees it for you in a matter of seconds.

Expansions and Addons

XStak POS is completely incorporated with tax collection specialists like FBR, GST, Tank, SRB, PRA, KPRA, BRA, and so forth. It tends to be interface with your online business site to grow your business.

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