
Common Challenges of Students in High School

Shifting to high school from primary school is one of the significant changes in a student’s life. The stage is accompanied by academic pressure, competing with other students, and achieving one’s career goals. Not all students are equally prepared or ready for such changes in their lives. Hence, students face a few common problems during their Cbse school Noida  phase, and here are some of them. 


Adolescence and emotional changes

High school marks a new beginning in every student’s life. While most changes are positive, this phase also marks the adolescent period in their lives. Such a stage is characterized by the growing passion for becoming independent, which may lead to unhealthy relations with parents or teachers. Hence, this is one of high school students’ most common problems. They might often refuse to obey their parents or even trust them with their deepest secrets. While this might affect their relations with their family, it also affects them in several ways. For instance, they might grow emotionally vulnerable and feel distracted from vital things in life. 


A sudden increase in academic pressure

Academic stress and anxiety are the most common issues among high school students. Such a condition occurs because the students, especially in cbse board high school in India, like Noida and other places, do not have much academic pressure in the lower classes. However, this drastically changes with high school. Hence, coping with this sudden academic pressure and competition can be challenging for most high school students. 


The dilemma in selecting the right career path 

Selecting the right career path is one of the adolescent students’ most significant issues. The reasons for such a dilemma can be many. For instance, students might want to pursue a specific field, but their parents have different plans for them. Additionally, they might not have adequate knowledge about the various career options. Hence, most CBSE board high schools have increasingly focused on the need for career counseling amongst high school students. Such programs help them understand their likes, strengths, and weaknesses. Parents must also play a key role in helping their children select the right career path. Remember not to impose your decisions on them. Instead, it might be more beneficial to understand their interest areas and encourage them to continue with them. 



Bullying is common in most schools. Though most CBSE schools in Noida have strict rules against bullying, it might occur even in its most minor form. However, whatever the extent of bullying is, it might have a severe impact on the student. For instance, it might push them into depression or anxiety. Hence, parents and teachers must ensure bullying is prohibited in schools by giving special notice to protect the weaker students. Remember, bullying can be physically and emotionally harmful. 


Sleeplessness before exams

Studying by staying awake late at night is a common trend amongst the students of the current generation. However, such a habit can cause sleeping disorders like insomnia, which can have long-lasting effects. These issues tend to grow among high school students before exams due to increased academic pressure. Hence, it would be best to motivate them to stay prepared for exams and complete their syllabus on time to avoid last-minute stress. 



Students might face several issues while stepping into high school. While some of these issues might arise from academic stress and pressure, others can have several reasons. However, parents and teachers must ensure they care enough for the high school students to encourage them to grow past this phase. Remember, adolescence is a vulnerable phase in everybody’s life and can worsen without proper support.

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