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Best Indoor Plants to Add to Your Working Space to Boost Productivity

It is a known fact that having plants at home is effective for improving everyone’s mood. Little did they know that these indoor plants can also be a way to boost one’s productivity — thus, an effective way to add to a working space as well. As most people spend most of their time at work, they now consider the office to be like their second home. Some plants can be a good addition to their desk decorations, which can have a positive effect on their mood, as well as the general feeling of overall well-being. This being said, plants have been proven to increase one’s productivity at work.

In addition to being advantageous for employees’ productivity, such indoor plants are the perfect remedy for the lack of ventilation, especially at work. Numerous pieces of office furniture, printers, cigarette smoke, cleaners, and the ventilation system itself are causes of indoor air pollution at work. Thus, as a result, indoor plants will enhance your desk and give you clean air. You do not need to worry about artificial light in this case, because plants require it regardless of the type.

Also, regardless of how wonderful your job is, there are moments when it becomes stressful and lowers your mood. These elements significantly impact how productive you are at work. Therefore, add some life to your home office and make it a little greener with these plants. And to keep these plants alive, you do not actually need to be an expert in plants.

Overall, incorporating indoor plants can work wonders in reducing stress, inspiring creativity, and boosting the overall space’s visual appeal. Continue reading to know which plants are the ideal ones to add into your working space.

Snake Plant

First on the list of indoor plants perfect for adding into the working space is the snake plant. It is one among the most well-liked low-maintenance indoor plants for air purification. This plant is also known as mother-in-law’s tongue. It is regarded as one of the greatest low-light plants due to its ability to tolerate low light and infrequent watering. They are so simple to maintain that they will continue to thrive and filter your air till you go to bed, even if you forget to water them for a month. Although it can survive in low light as well, it favors medium or indirect sunlight. Additionally, you only water it after the soil has dried. You will not need to worry too much.

Snake plants also thrive and grow in any environment. This plant is perfect for beginners because it requires little maintenance and care. This is the reason why you may find this kind of plant in every business. One of these lovely plants just has to be watered once every month. This may also be what you are searching for if you want to add some illumination to your team’s poorly lit workspace without making a noise.

Just keep in mind that, like their namesakes, the long, flat leaves of the snake plant can develop into considerable lengths over time. Give them lots of space to grow upward and big, strong containers.

Peace Lily

Peace lily is a beautiful flowering indoor plant with white blooms against glossy, dark-green foliage that would adorn your workplace, be a visual treat, and calm your nerves when you are feeling stressed out by your workload. You can benefit from this plant for a long time because it is simple to grow and maintain.

Small air-purifying plants like peace lilies are ideal for your home office table. Although it favors shaded settings, this plant cannot blossom if there is not enough light. Keep the soil consistently moist as well. And because of this, this plant is still another fantastic low-maintenance alternative, and it also has a splash of greens and big white blooms. This office plant just requires monthly watering and can tolerate low to medium light levels. Furthermore, peace lilies are more resilient than other plants in cold, dry surroundings, despite the fact that few plants thrive when the air conditioner is turned up.

Rubber Tree Plants

A rubber tree is the ideal indoor plant if you want a big, low-maintenance plant. It prefers soft, indirect light over bright light. You can also water it once each week. It is also one of the greatest plants for your home office because it purifies the air you breathe and gets rid of toxins from your home.

Bold greens and purples are also brought to the table by the rubber tree plant. Even variegated kinds of it are available. This office plant has broad, flat leaves and can get quite tall.

Rubber plants thrive close to bright windows, but with drapes separating them from any direct sunlight. They require weekly watering. They require less upkeep than status-oriented plants like the fiddle leaf fig, at least in comparison.

Red Aglaonema

Red Aglaonemas are ideal as workplace plants because they are frequently vivid and brilliant. In order for it to generate the stunning red and pink colors on its leaves, intense indirect light is necessary. It is also highly regarded for its laid-back character and capacity to instantly inject individuality into a space. Additionally, due to its small size, it may easily fit on any desk or tabletop.

It can, however, withstand dimly lit areas. In the spring and summer, keep the soil moist, but avoid letting it become too wet because this could lead to root rot. For those who are busy and forgetful with their plants, this houseplant is a great option.

Additionally, when these attractive office plants need watering, they droop. But with appropriate care, they immediately recover. Thus, this could be your new desktop friend if you desire a plant that communicates its mood to you.

Spider Plant

Spider plants, often referred to as ribbon plants, are thought to be the ideal plant for harsh settings. It is a low-maintenance plant that also purifies the air, and it needs bright indirect light. However, it may also survive in low light. Additionally, you may water it well, but avoid letting it get too wet.

The robust and well-liked spider plant is a great choice for pedestal and hanging office plants. Workers in garages and warehouses can also enjoy spider plants because they can withstand, if not absorb, the formaldehyde and carbon monoxide present in vehicle exhaust.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the plants that looks aesthetically pleasing. Therefore it is ideal for use as office decor. This plant that purifies the air has many health advantages, including improving one’s mood and boosting their productivity. It is actually a perfect addition to your collection of plants for your home office to improve productivity as well. Place the aloe vera plants by your window because they need intense light. They also do not need a lot of watering.

The aloe plant can be your best option if you spend a lot of time outside of the workplace but want a sunny desk. These plants thrive in the desert, so as long as they get plenty of light, they can manage sporadic watering. The gel of the aloe plant has been used for hundreds of years to cure a variety of skin ailments. Aloe plants are also known for healing damaged and irritated skin.

Key Takeaway

The indoor plants listed above are among the most effective ones in illuminating your workstation and boosting productivity. But bear in mind that you should pick a plant for your home office that is appropriate for the space and that you can maintain. Rotate your indoor plants in and out of the limited natural light you have to care for them as well. Give your staff some latitude in taking care of, and even admiring, these tiny office pets, regardless of the type of plants you choose.

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