Benefits of React JS over Plain JavaScript?

Users are always wondering why React JS is superior to plain Javascript, and how developing web applications with React JS differs from plain Javascript.
Are you searching for the answer to it?
If you’re, then we are sure this article is going to give answers to all your question.
We will describe both of them in a simple way, so you can understand how React framework has more benefits than plain javascript.
Moreover, how selecting it can elevate the performance of your application and help you attain your desired goals.
So, why wait? Let’s get started!
With emerging technology, sophisticated and dynamic application are in high demand.
As a result, new React js libraries and tools have been launched to boost React js development.
Before you hire react js developer, first understand about react js. Let’s dive in!!
ReactJS & Plain Javascript – Overview
Understanding the basic concept and digging deeper into the things can stick you on the path of building dynamic applications. This is the reason we’ll start everything from the basics.
What is Plain Javascript?
Firstly, Plain Javascript is also called “vanilla Javascript”. React js is written in JavaScript code,
Secondly, JavaScript is written without libraries.
Thirdly, it is a scripting language that doesn’t have any rules about how data can be defined in an application and how the UI can be altered.
Fourthly, hence apps designed in javascript are more customizable. But this is not something that can deliver better optimum results for an app.
Lastly, Jquery (a library under Plain Javascript’s umbrella), makes things easy for Javascript that including document transversal, manipulation, animation and event handling.
Additionally, jQuery doesn’t set any boundaries as a library like React, so jQuery apps can be classified as plain JS or React JS apps.
What is React JS?
Firstly, React is a free and open-source library written in Javascript that describes the way user-friendly apps are coded.
Secondly, it sets instructions about how the data flow and UI of the app will appear by altering code or data.
Thirdly, ReactJS is maintained by Facebook and has huge community support.
Fourthly, can be used as a base in single-page or mobile app development. Lastly, Lastly, React framework is only confined to state management and rendering document object models (DOM).
In addition, React js apps usually uses additional libraries for routing and certain client-side functionality.
React js Vs. Plain Javascript – A Fair Comparison
The best way to know why React js has more benefits than plain Javascript is to understand the fair comparison between these two.
Firstly, Javascript works without any libraries as it is a scripting language and it does not set any rules. on the other hand, ReactJS describes how the data flow by following a proper set of rules.
Secondly, Javascript doesn’t follow any specific structure but React apps have a proper structure.
Thirdly, in Javascript, the initial UI is created in HTML on the server side, and no Javascript code is needed throughout the development. However, if we shed light on React, then a React js app will create UI with a fixed HTML file.
Fourthly, With javascript apps, there is no need for the app’s distributed functionality. On the other hand, React JS, works by requiring you to break your web app into components, with each component containing all of the code needed to display and update your user interface.
Popularity: ReactJS Vs. Plain Javascript
Plain Javascript
Firstly, Plain JavaScript and HTML/CSS are the most accepted programming languages among software professionals around the world,
Secondly, nearly 65% of respondents stated that they used JavaScript and just over 565 used HTML/CSS.
According to the survey report conducted in 2020, 43.3% of users reported using jQuery, while 35.9% were using React js.
Is ReactJS Really Different?
Yes, undoubtedly!
React js is different from Plain Javascript.
If you have understood the above points, then you may figure out the major differences between the two.
Although, there are several differences in which React has served better and different from Plain Javascript. Let’s discuss a few of them.
- Firstly, React JS apps begin with a blank HTML page and dynamically create the initial state in JavaScript.On the other hand, javascript apps begin with the initial UI designed on the server side.
- Secondly, React framework splits UI into components. However, in plain javascript apps, you can structure the app to make it look perfect.
- Thirdly, react apps save data in regular JavaScript variables, whereas plain JS apps save data in the DOM itself, which must be accessed by developers.
- Fourthly, React updates the UI based on modifications within the component. On the other hand, UI updates in javascript are executed by finding out the DOM node to update and/or remove the elements.
Wrapping Remarks
In the above blog, we have seen both frameworks work best in their own versions, still, React ecosystem has more abilities to win the development universe due to its outstanding features.
Using this framework, you can build a scalable application that will elevate your business to the next level. As a result, you can see remarkable growth in business revenue and conversions from a different angle.
However, Javascript is also one of the emerging programming languages having a huge community of developers, it lacks scalable results, which react ecosystem delivers, being a library.
So, the decision will solely be yours on which one is perfect for your business.
If you are looking for a React js development company that has skilled react js developers.
We help you in hiring React js developers
Bigscal is an award-winning software development company in India that helps you with web and mobile application needs.
We deliver remarkable solutions to our clients across the world.
Bigscal technologies offer outstanding services as per your business requirements.
We provide great professionals with the right skill to use react js technology to its fullest.
We ensure all developers pass their coding tests, screenings, and non-technical assessments to give you incredible results.
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