All You Need To Know About Onion Pest Control

In India, onion is one of the most commonly grown crops. The scientific name of onion is Allium cepa L. Also known as a common onion or bulb onion, in the genus Allium, onion is one of the most cultivated and consumed vegetables all around the world. When it comes to onion-growing countries in the world, India ranks second on the list. It is the pungency and the strong taste of onions, which has made them so very popular in Indian cuisines.
Onions have a base along with hollow and narrow leaves, which are succulent and juicy. The base of the onion enlarges to form a bulb. The colour of the bulb can be yellow, white, or red. Onions take almost 80-150 days to be ready for harvesting. Though onions are grown as an annual crop, this staple vegetable in most Indian kitchens is a cool-season biennial and Indian onions remain available all around the year.
The best thing about growing onion is that it is a temperate crop. However, it can grow under different climatic conditions including tropical and sub-tropical.
Main Problems Faced By Farmers During Onion Cultivation
Onion cultivation comes with its share of problems and difficulties. Various kinds of pest and insect infestations take place in onion fields destroying huge volumes of onion produce. Apart from pests, there are some diseases which are specific to onion plants. The lack of technical knowledge among Indian farmers is another factor which contributes to crop losses and low production volume of onions. Along with all these factors, there is another thing which leads to losses for onion farmers – improper storage facilities of onions. Onions need proper storage, otherwise, they start rotting easily.
Common Pests And Diseases In Onion Plants And The Ways Of Controlling Them
Pest and disease infestations are quite common in onion plants. Onion pest control is imperative to keep the damage caused by pests under control. Even when infested with pests, further attacks can also be restricted with the help of proper pest control in onion fields. Since onions grow underneath the soil, it is often difficult to understand the problem before it becomes too late. This is why keeping a close watch on onion plants is necessary.
Let us take a look at some of the most common pests that affect Indian onions plants:
One of the most common pests which attack onion plants is thrips. These are dangerous pests which are quite difficult to control completely. Thrips tend to fly away even with the slightest motion. The main target of the thrips is the mesophyll layer in the leaves. They puncture the leaf epidermis and suck up the sap, which is released from the plant cells. The feeding area of the leaf becomes white and turns silvery. Sometimes streaks and patches also develop.
If you are looking for onion thrips insecticide control, there is no better alternative than Ad-Fyre by Dhanuka Agritech Limited. This is a systemic insecticide belonging to the Neonicotinoid group. This group of insecticides work excellently on insects and termites, which have great sucking power. This insecticide is widely used as a part of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programme.
Ad-Fyre uses advanced German technology called Fluidised Bed Granulation Process. When added to water, the granules of this insecticide dissolve quickly, forming a stable and uniform spray suspension. Along with quick spreading, the insecticide is easily absorbed by the plants. As a result, plants display better efficacy in controlling infestations.
Narrow Leaf Weeds
Narrow-leaf weeds can be commonly seen in onion fields. The main problem with these weeds is that they keep on competing for nutrients and deprive the onion plant. Another issue is that these weeds tend to grow at a rapid rate and within a very short time, they cover the whole field. Getting rid of these narrow weeds is difficult as the roots tend to get inside the soil, where the onion plants are present as well.
The only way of onion pest control in such a situation is by using Targa Super herbicide from Dhanuka Agritech Limited. Belonging to the Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates group, this is a systemic herbicide. This herbicide is mainly used in controlling narrow-leaf weeds in broad-leaf crops. The herbicide is quickly absorbed and the action starts rapidly as well. The herbicide stagnates the regeneration of the weeds, thereby controlling the further growth of weeds.
Purple Blotch
Onion plants are often infected with the disease called ‘Purple Blotch’. It is a fungal infection of the onion plant, where small lesions are formed on the stalk or the leaves. The lesions are water-soaked with white centres. They keep on enlarging and become brown to purple. A yellow zone is also formed. Large lesions often stick to one another and girdle the leaf. Therefore any tissue between the lesion is killed. If the infection spreads widely among the onion plants, the whole crop production will be ruined and wasted.
A world-class fungicide – Spectrum, from Dhanuka Agritech Limited helps in inhibiting the growth and life of the fungus causing infestations in the onion field. The fungicide has translaminar and systemic movement thus dispersing quickly in the plant system. The best thing about this fungicide is that it has multifunctional action – it has protective, curative, as well as eradicative properties.
Dhanuka Agritech Limited – Best In India For Effective Onion Pest Control
A leading name in the world of pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, and so on, in India, Dhanuka Agritech Limited has carved a niche for itself. The products offered by the company are not only highly effective, but most of them are environment-friendly as well. Trusted by most farmers in India, chemical solutions for all kinds of crops can be found here.
Find the suitable product as per your plant or crop requirement. The company’s official website contains detailed data and information about the various products that you can get. Just browse through the website for information and place your order!
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