4 Reasons Oriental Carpet Cleaning Should Be Left to the Experts
Carpet District specializes in Oriental carpet restoration, and we can help you get your carpet back to its original luster. We use the latest technology to prevent color bleed, moth damage, and other potential problems. Our methods are safe for both the carpet and the Carpet cleaning. And since we use high-quality cleaning products, you can be assured that your carpet will come out looking its best.
Avoiding moth damage
If you have an Oriental carpet, you might want to avoid moth damage during carpet cleaning. You can avoid them by using proper cleaning methods and by keeping the area of the carpet clean and dry. Additionally, you should store your carpet in a place that is dry and well-ventilated.
Before using any insecticides on your carpets, you should test them in a small area first. Also, clean your carpets thoroughly before storing them. Then, store them in a heavy plastic bag and roll them up tightly. If moths have already infested your carpet, you can use cedar chips as mothballs.
You can spot moth infestation by observing the larvae and adult moths. The larvae are about one-half inches long and look like powdery dust. These moths lay their eggs in the darkest area of the carpet and feed on the wool. If you find these larvae, you should make sure you clean the area thoroughly.
While moths are not a serious problem when you’re using the rug, they can ruin your carpet if you don’t pay attention to them. To prevent them, you should clean the carpets regularly, vacuuming under furniture and under the rug. You should also vacuum the back of the carpet every once in a while. While vacuuming, you should make sure that you get the entire area of the carpet. Remember, moths are attracted to dirty rugs, so make sure that your rugs are clean and free from any food or pet spills.
Moths can make your oriental carpet look dingy and outdated. It is vital to prevent moth damage by vacuuming regularly and cleaning spills and stains. However, you should also consider getting the rug cleaned by a professional. You should also avoid letting moths live in the rug for more than a year. By following these tips, you can avoid the damage moths can cause and keep your oriental carpet looking beautiful for years to come.
Avoiding color bleed
If you’re cleaning an oriental carpet, you must know how to prevent color bleed. While you can’t control the dyes, you can use special cleaning agents to prevent color bleed. Some of these products contain special polymers that will bind with the dyes and prevent them from leaving the fibers.
Using a heavy object on a clean towel before washing the rug will help detect color bleed. If you’re unsure, place a small amount of urine on the towel to check if the color has bled. If you detect bleed, adjust the cleaning method and the chemistry. The amount of water used to clean the rug will affect the amount of dye released.
Aim to prevent color bleed by not using any harsh cleaning products. Some stain removal products can damage Oriental rugs. Therefore, it’s vital to test the products on hidden areas first. Also, avoid dry cleaning as it can ruin the delicate surface of an Oriental rug.
If you’re not sure how to avoid color bleed, call a professional Oriental Carpet cleaning service. A reputable Oriental rug cleaner can safely clean your rug and eliminate the problem once and for all. This will also prevent any further damage. When you’re cleaning oriental rugs, contact S&S Rug Cleaning Atlanta.
Color bleed can occur for a number of reasons, but the most common cause is poor dye. The dye can bleed when exposed to sunlight, water, and cleaning products for an extended period of time.
Avoiding ruining an oriental carpet
Storing a precious oriental rug in your home requires a great deal of care. However, it can be vulnerable to damage, even by a child. If your children or pets accidentally spill drinks or food on it, make sure you clean it as soon as possible. There are several methods to do this.
Vacuuming is one of the best ways to maintain your carpet. If the carpet is wet, you can use a wet/dry vacuum to remove the excess water. Make sure to use the brush attachment to avoid damaging the delicate fibers. Vacuuming backwards or using a dry vacuum can cause damage. You can also use distilled water or paper towels to wipe up spills.
It is important to use a good-quality padding. The right padding will help the rug last longer and will help prevent it from getting damaged. It will also keep it from shifting on the floor and protect it from heavy traffic. The best type of padding is made from hair or fiber with a rubberized surface. However, synthetic pads are cheaper and are abrasive.
It is important to clean the rug regularly, but not too often. The frequency will depend on the amount of foot traffic it receives. For example, a high-traffic area, such as a foyer, should be vacuumed at least weekly. For lower-traffic areas, vacuuming monthly will be sufficient. Depending on the type of use the rug receives, you may want to consider hiring a rug cleaner for professional cleaning.
Moths can cause damage to carpets by making holes in them and feeding off of the fabric. However, it can be difficult to detect a moth infestation. If you notice one moth in your home, that should be a red flag.
Extraction of an oriental carpet is a process in which the carpet is lifted up in the affected area, treated and cleaned, and the backing is sealed. The process also involves removing the padding, which is a necessary step in ensuring the longevity of the rug. It is recommended that you clean your rug once every two weeks, to keep it looking clean and fresh. Vacuuming is also essential for oriental rugs. Use a good vacuum cleaner with a suction hose, and do not use a beater bar. You should also use a quality pad, which protects the rug from wear and slippage.
Professional cleaning companies use secret recipes that can remove the toughest stains from Oriental rugs. These solutions contain a PH of 5.5 or higher, which is appropriate for silk and wool rugs. This mixture is then applied to the rug. In some cases, the cleaners leave the mat to soak for a while.
Oriental carpets should be vacuumed regularly to remove dust and dirt. It is also recommended that you take your shoes off before walking on them. Regular vacuuming will help keep your oriental rugs looking newer for longer and will prevent stains from setting in.