
3 Reasons to Look for a New Bed Base This Black Friday

With the holidays inching closer and the new year just around the corner, now’s the time when most people start thinking of things that could use an upgrade, especially when it comes to furniture and accessories for their home or apartment. At the same time, it’s no secret that Black Friday sales make that idea a lot more attractive, giving more opportunities to upgrade bigger items like bedframes, mattresses, and all the essentials for a quality night’s sleep. Whether you’re outfitting a new place or just curious to see what falls within your budget, here are the top reasons you should look at a new bed base this Black Friday.

You’ll Save Big on Bedding with Black Friday Deals

Straight away, it’s important to think about how much you’ll save by looking into a new bed base during Black Friday versus any other time of the year. After all, seasonal shopping isn’t just about the latest gadgets and gizmos. Nearly everything is fair game, from pillow sets to lounge furniture or accessories for the loo.

Once you start looking into bedding, you might be surprised by the deals that most furniture businesses pop onto their websites. Plus, let’s be honest. No one likes a song and dance before bed. If you’re already whinging about the squeaking and sinking of your current bed or mattress, there’s no better time to cruise a few websites and see who offers the best deals and the most extended trial periods. If they’re letting you give it a go for a few months, why not take them up on the offer?

The Right Bed Base Can Last for Decades

It would help if you also considered how long you want your bed to last. While you might not have thought about this before, the truth is the right bed base can be one of the most important investments you ever make for your home. Think about it: your bedroom is the one place you start and end each day. It’s also the spot where you’ll spend the most time while you’re at home. If you want to get technical, the average person spends roughly 26 years of their life sleeping. Wild, but true!

That’s all to say that you’re better off spending those years as comfortable as possible. Once you start looking into different bed bases and brands, finding the ones worth a second look becomes easier. You’ll want to focus on materials first, because while particleboard might be cheaper, a wooden bed base will last much longer, look much better, and be priced more competitively around Black Friday. Next, you’ll want to see which kind of padding comes with the bedframe. There’s nothing worse than bumping your shins coming back from the dunny or the kitchen.

Your Bed is Crucial to Your Overall Health

Your bedroom and your bed are crucial to your overall health. Lack of sleep can lead to some nasty chronic health problems, affecting your heart, blood pressure, and more. Sleeping well requires a stress-free and clutter-free environment.

With the right bed base and mattress, you can rest much more comfortably, even in a small space. Sturdier materials mean less tossing and turning during the night. At the same time, a quality bedframe will offer much better airflow around your mattress, especially during the hotter months. Summers in the Outback can be downright brutal. Once things start hitting 45°+ C, it’s best to know you’ve prepared yourself in whatever way you can for the heat.

About Koala

Koala was founded in 2015 with a mission to design everything they make with a mate in mind. From bedding and linens to sofas, storage, dining sets, and more, Koala, the leader in accessible sleep, pools all their energy into producing high-quality, premium products at affordable prices. You won’t see them mucking about in expensive showrooms, and with over 42,000 5-star reviews on YOTPO, there’s a reason their customers keep coming back for more. Thanks to a risk-free 120-night trial, all of Koala’s products are easy to buy, easy to try, and easy to return. Whether you’re outfitting your first apartment or looking to add a new picnic table to the patio, learn more about the difference Koala’s award-winning products can make in your home.

Shop the perfect bed base for your home this Black Friday at https://koala.com/en-au

Stoll Morris

I’ve had the fortunate opportunity to work as a full-time blogger for various companies and individuals all over the world for over ten years. I've been able to do this by gaining a lifetime of experience working as a professor, an editor, entrepreneur, big-box retail manager, and obviously a writer to name a few. My ultimate goal is to use this experience and share my knowledge to help others achieve their goals in whatever they are pursuing. Thank you for viewing my profile!

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